Last month CamGuyNews posted information regarding age verification legislation in several states & Texas filing suit against Chaturbate for being non-compliant. Shortly after this Chaturbate started asking viewers attempting to login from certain states to go through an age verification process first. If you'd like to know where your state (or the one you're in) stands on age verification legislation in regards to adult content use the link in the embedded tweet below...
XBIZ breaks down the state of the fight over age-verification — and how the work being done by advocates like @mikestabile and @AlisonBodenFSC and others have been crucial to fighting back a tidal wave of censorship legislation.
— Free Speech Coalition (@FSCArmy) April 26, 2024
According to this FSC post Florida & Alaska have also included social media to their age verification legislation instead of just porn sites...
As with Florida's HB3, Florida's age-verification bill, legislators added social media provisions onto a pre-existing age-verification bill for adult content.
— Free Speech Coalition (@FSCArmy) April 26, 2024