Last month CamGuyNews posted information regarding age verification legislation in several states & Texas filing suit against Chaturbate for being non-compliant. Shortly after this Chaturbate started asking viewers attempting to login from certain states to go through an age verification process first. If you'd like to know where your state (or the one you're in) stands on age verification legislation in regards to adult content use the link in the embedded tweet below...
XBIZ breaks down the state of the fight over age-verification — and how the work being done by advocates like @mikestabile and @AlisonBodenFSC and others have been crucial to fighting back a tidal wave of censorship legislation.
— Free Speech Coalition (@FSCArmy) April 26, 2024
According to this FSC post Florida & Alaska have also included social media to their age verification legislation instead of just porn sites...
As with Florida's HB3, Florida's age-verification bill, legislators added social media provisions onto a pre-existing age-verification bill for adult content.
— Free Speech Coalition (@FSCArmy) April 26, 2024

If you have nothing to hide why would age verification be an issue. Most civilized human beings would expect everyone including porn sites to adhere to all laws regardless. I would also fully support Chaturbate insisting the users correct age also be displayed in the bio. That would stop all the nefarious users trying to pretend they are years younger than their body and mental capacity tells them.
ReplyDeleteJust to note, I am for age verification for all users on adult content sites. Once verified, age really doesn't matter to me.
DeleteFrom the articles I'm reading attorney's are claiming age verification invades ones privacy when accessing adult content.
age verification is well overdue. complete online privacy doesn't really exist in 2024 anyway. google, apple, and my credit card company all know I visit chaturbate and we all know these companies store everything. at least the age verification schemes say they delete the information once they verify age. I don't live in a verification required state, but I recently travelled to one. I got the pop up but I only had to log into my chaturbate account to bypass it. A chaturbate account that I never verified age. maybe because I have a credit card on file, that's some form of age verification.
ReplyDeletePerhaps, or it could be one of those loopholes they didn't close in the age verification system.
DeleteThe law is you have to be 18 to view porn. If that's the law every porn site need to verify every person using their website is 18.
ReplyDelete“This is simply trying to safeguard our children, because we do know that pornography is used as a grooming tool by predators on our children, and that’s what I’m seeking to prevent,” Vance told reporters on Tuesday.
ReplyDeleteAdvocates say children are accessing adult content in their early years, sometimes unintentionally. In a 2014 study of adult men who had watched pornography in the last six months, the average age at which participants had first viewed adult content was around 12.
Quoted from the article - I think the issue from grooming could also have to deal with mental issues. Again, I'm not sure if this is prevalent of there are studies confirming this.
Why there needs to be legislation of age verification while pornography and porn sites have been around for ages?
I am not against verification, but if the reason behind this is to protect children or minors - there are other things lawmakers need to worry more. If I found out my 14 year old nephew surfing porn, hey it's part of life. I would not expect every teenagers would have their brain rot from viewing pornography. How is the home life? How are they being supervised? Are their parents responsible, etc etc etc.
Without getting more political, we still have school shooting. What are lawmakers doing, especially in some red states and Republicans in general? This is a kind of situation that lawmakers should be more concerned with.
Whichever side of the political spectrum you are on, there are A LOT of other issues our elected officials need to be focused on some of which you mention. I've stated before I'm for age verification, it seems like a no-brainer to me.