Camguys need to be aware of their personal information & understand the risks they take when sharing it with anyone. Unfortunately over the past several weeks I've been learning about & witnessed the doxing of camguys on Chaturbate. In this post we'll share how unsavory viewers gain access to a camguys personal information, examples of doxing, & how to protect personal information. At least one of the Juvenile Trolls has been seen doxing camguys but this isn't only a Juvenile Troll issue either.
I first witnessed this a few weeks back in a camguys chat room who was going through a difficult time following a friends death. As the show progressed well known Juvenile Troll 'doxydolla' the professional troll with countless usernames made a comment that surprised the camguy. It was about a business the camguy just started & he replied "I don't know how the fuck you know about that." 'Doxydolla' was kicked not long after but quickly returned as usual using 'michaelstromberg' as his username. The camguy relented & told the troll to return using his 'other' username. The question is how did 'doxydolla' know this? Based on the camguys reaction he certainly didn't tell him.
When we've witnessed a camguy get doxed using a username usually it is done using a grey username. This isn't always the case as we've witnessed 'doxydolla' create a new username with tokens to dox a camguy because he'd turned off grey viewers ability to chat in his room. This really shows the lengths that this professional troll is willing to go to exact revenge on a camguy or who knows he just thinks it would be funny.
When the username appeared on the chat screen trolling the room other viewers in the room told the camguy to kick the troll who was bothering him. The camguy replied he was confused by the username that the troll was using & it visibly bothered the young man. The camguy has changed the privacy settings on his Chaturbate account, hasn't streamed in over a month now, & deleted his Amazon Wish List too. Was his personal information visible & taken from his Amazon Wish List, or he once mentioned that he shared his phone number with a few viewers after his Snap Chat was banned. It now appears that whatever happened this late night hottie won't be back anytime soon.
In yet another recent situation a brand new camguy was completely overrun by the Juvenile Trolls & as suspected one was made a room moderator. One of the trolls suggested the camguy create a wish list on Amazon. The camguy did this & placed the link in his profile section. As we are seeing the trolls again didn't advise him to make his personal information private, which exposed his real name. I am told the troll blog created a post about the new camguy who wore a mask during streams, they claimed that "he has even shown us his face." Maybe he did, maybe he didn't, or maybe he did without knowing he did. CGN was able to get a PM to the camguy about his wish list through a supporter. The wish list quickly was removed & the camguy did one final show later that night but hasn't been seen since.
In the most recent doxing of a camguy Juvenile Troll 'doxydolla' was kicked out of the chat room for starting drama & feuding with viewer 'sbsbbj'. 'Doxydolla' had been a moderator on/off in this chat room previously & was trying hard during this show too, it appeared he viewed 'sbsbbj' as a threat. Predictably he had his 'michaelstromberg' & 'marjorietaylorgreene' usernames there so he could keep trolling, but minutes later a new grey username 'sbsbbj_camguy real first name_camguy real last name' entered the chat room doxing the camguy. I've been informed (haven't seen it) that after all of this occurred a post critical of 'sbsbbj' appeared on the troll blog, but no mention of the doxing that had taken place.
I am struggling to come up with a reason as to why anyone would go to such lengths to do this to a camguy who just wants to earn a few tokens. Here are a few tips that both camguys & viewers should consider to help keep their personal information private...

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