Chaturbate viewers & camguys for many years have been getting harassed by a small clique of jealous & hateful viewers who have no social lives. They've all been perma-banned by Chaturbate but continue returning nightly creating multitudes of grey (free accounts) attempting to get others silenced, banned, or kicked. The lies they spew know no boundaries which cause tipping to stop, tippers to exit the chat room, & these mostly newer camguys often times quit since they aren't earning tokens. Below we'll be sharing screen shots of The Juvenile Trolls behavior starting with these which confirm all of this. But first, a funny but true video from Granny P on what a troll is 🤣🤣🤣...
So fitting for today. I love this lady!
— AlphaBlaster aka Link2050 (@alphablaster15) August 24, 2021

Chaturbate has banned most of the trolls colored usernames (with tokens) so they've been regulated to creating & using endless grey (free accounts) instead. The screen shots below show them using some of their grey usernames as they attempt to get viewers silenced or kicked...
Below we see more of these grey (free account) usernames being used but this time they're attempting to get new camguys to do something they know will get them banned by Chaturbate. In the bottom two we see their 'fake moderator' trick used to create chaos, look at the mods username spelling carefully...
In our final set of screen shots we share several of The Juvenile Trolls more inappropriate & disgusting attacks (we have hundreds in our archives). In the first two they are seen attacking camguys & the last two show them attacking viewers they dislike or are jealous of...
As we mentioned at the beginning Juvenile Troll 'doxydolla' was caught doxing Chaturbate camguys & was permanently banned for his actions. CamGuyNews worked with two of the camguys helping them report this & all the information we possessed on this was turned over to Chaturbate. We're careful as to what we share on the blog about this situation so no accidental doxing takes place. Below are links to the doxing post & a page on how to deal with the trolls, doxing, & wish lists...
CGN Doxing Post | Post On Dealing With Trolling & How To Prevent Doxing (sidebar icon too)
Below are three lists of Juvenile Troll usernames including those that have purchased tokens, grey free usernames, & banned usernames. CamGuyNews adds usernames to the listings after witnessing them trolling camguys & viewers, or received screen shots showing the full situation from blog readers. The first list consists usernames that are colored, or have purchased tokens, many of these are banned but their profiles are password protected to hide the accounts status...
Over 13 names from this particular list were banned the week of August 13, 2023 & are now on the banned list.
_find | _mariah_malibu_catfish | 0opsididitagain | 311_yoursidechick | 311angela___ | allura | alyssa____ | autogpt | autumncuddlez | bachbuquen | barbarouxx | beef_strokenoff | beefcakehunter | bio15 | blake_masters | bottomleypark | canadian_mountie | chad_trentwell | cheppy_fat | cherrycoke2014 | chris__baitor | chrissylicious | daisy_the_squirter | dandilion88 | dariun | didit | diidit | dr_shay | fderek25 | flart_mcduff | flipflopisdodgyaf | flippafloppa | fredandbarney | froster1 | froster1574491 | funmascguy | gfy20 | ginger_malibu | gplan | henry_02100 | humperdorkus | iamthejudgeandjury | italian81985 | jackmeehof | josh_midwest | kbffnzisbb | kedr412yg | knox901 | likemlong6996 | livgolf4me | lost_frequenciesss | lukazaja | m3lissa4alphas | mad_martin | mainechatter | mantis83 | mariamenounos | marika_scarey | marlah__scary | matthew_nelson_ | max9432 | mcgravythe3rd | misty_kristi | mistylakes | moxie203 | p17182 | princeofcalabas (formerly inonendout) | redd95 | redneckmaster88 | revans97delsol | rim__kardashian | rodrigo_diass | rodrigo_diass_ | rosscoe2414 | russell_tovey | ryanjames2222 | sandokansf | savonet | schittscreekishere | shickle_groover | shweddyballz | skyplus88 | slick_stevie (new doxydolla ban evading username) | snipermarvin67 | somedumbguy3 | sweet_juice_nyc | tenet00 | thecatfishhunter | therevenantsoul | this_is_bs | titsandsass | tobi2 | tommythemod | unknownarea53 | vanessahegelmaier | waitin8 | wherehaskinkygone | who_did_it | win_dicksie | worldsbestboss2 | xxx_joe00_should_be_banned | xxx_joe00_stalin | yayaninja123 | youhavebeenduped | youhavebeenhadbigtime | yousuckdickkk___
The usernames in this next listing are free account or grey usernames meaning they haven't purchased tokens. Trolls create these daily since they aren't out anything if they get banned & many of the usernames that have password protected profiles are indeed banned...
_asslickerslad | _b3000_ | _b3000__3000 | _hotfudge_ | _jackbefa9dick69_is_doxing_you | _jguy_ | _jockla2015 | _ken_masterfag | _lotshit | _lotsip__ | _mariah_malibu_ | _mikestrike_is_recording_now | _old_shitty_boat_owner_ | _presto | _rodrigo_diass_is_a_troll | _scott_trailertrash_bleu_ | _yoursidechick | _yummy_salty_tears_ | 0merella | 0ops_boss | 0opsldiditagain | 18hourslurking | 18thbirthgayyy | 3_6mafia | 300tokens | 311_yousuckdick | 311angela | 311angela_ | 311latinax | 35morereasons | 4820759 | 500lb_loser2050 | 50sodas_aday_keeps_thesex_away | 684830 | 69hawtlatina | 6spainchick9 | 8bisquitmaker6 | 8inchfag_is_xxxjoe00 | 8inchjose | 8inchjuan | 8inchjuan_xxx_joe00_ | 8inch_xx_joe00__ | 8inchjuan_xxx_joe00___ | 8inchjuan_xxxjoe00_modwhore | 8inchjuanfagyc0 | 8inchuanita | 8lnchjuan | 97tej1997 | abbyhawt | abbyhawt69 | abbyhawwt_ | abbyhawwtx | ac365 | ac366 | adama_schefchenko | adriana_de_la_quintana | adriana_latlna | adriana_rizzo | aesus4xxx | agnathaqueen | alexandria_ocasio_cortez | alexissgurl27 | alfie_jackbejoe_stealing_of_cb | alicecuntgirl | aliyahkinky | alpha_brain | ambrosia2023 | american_eagle | anastasia_wanasia | anastasiavonbeaverhousen | andrewwoodsman | ang3lla____ | angelita2005 | angiecepeda69 | anniegirlotshit | annieglrlotshit | anonymous_greys | anotherdeadstar | anotherjasper_stealing_from_cb | anotherjasper_telegram_thief | anthonydrysdale | antisociakfick | anublsn | anus_horribilis | apriltightbox | arbys_wagyu | archangel_uriel | ari_loveoxo | arlelsextone | as4bggl | ashley___blooming | ashley_bl00ming | ashleyblooming | ashleybloooming | assbethicc | assclapxtina | assclapxtlna | asslicker1104 | asslickerslad_mmm | asslickerslads | assslickerslad | asslickersladss | atonable9561 | attherealdonaldtrump | aussiechic69 | aussiecock2101 | austin_vibed_out | austinvibe4kkk | autism__faggot | availablejust | azzlickerslad | b3_chess_club_fan | b3000_is_recording_luciano | b3000_is_recording_you | b3000_is_recording_you_jimmy | b3000_jackbehief_stealing | b3000_manipulates_models | b3000_recording_for_gvideos | b3000_tipping_to_record | b300000o | b30003 | b3000corspe | b3000fromstatefarm | b3000k | b3005 | b3oooooo | b5022 | badb30000 | baloney_shalomey | banned_lotshit | barberflynn | barbiee3000 | barebones | basement_vacant | basicsidechick | basti_banned | bathinginblood (lilpeepfanxxx) | bee3000 | bee_3000 | beefcakehunter_lautaro | beencured | bella_rose2022 | bellaryderrr | benita_bizarre | benita_blzarre | benny_the_jet | benzeebetty | beretyvesh | berniebubble | bigdaddy0030100101 | bigdickfreak4u | bigeeze_chasehutch | biggsaddydaddy27 | bigtitscomeknocking | bikestrike1101 | billy_iewels | billy_jewelss | billy_joetearlick | billy_pope2_jewels | bimalewithabbcalwayshorny | bingo_betty | bio15 | bio2345 | biomechanick | bitter_yc0_fags | bk801 | blackdalliaha | blacksocksuck | blaine_spaine | blaine2676 | blaine738 | blaines27 | blame_topwop_forthenext | blasphemy_cool | blix_smoothie | bllly_jewels | bloodyangelofcb | blowing_bubbles1 | blueballsbusted | boat_masterfag_ | bobkakah | bold_ambitions | bom_bon | bombacious_lust1 | bonbon2513 | boogie_mannn | boozerbozo | boozerbozoten | boreddog99 | boris___johnson | brandywine1992 | breachofprobation2 | brett025_cgnreporter | bringlassiehomeplease | britney_fears | broken_halo2 | bros__soldiers | broskinny420 | brunchinbed1 | brunette_malibu | bubbliciousbooty | bulgesnifferr | burntt_toast | caityn_420 | calamifgag26 | calamities2frontteeth | calamityissohot | calawity_26 | californiadaddy_ | californiadaddy99 | californiadilf_ | californiaxdaddy | calilyfe26 | callmebobifyouwant | cam_unemployedfag_news | cambastard_cgn | camguynews | canadian575 | canadian5756 | canadiamilf69 | canadianxdaddy | candc_stealing_from_cb | candikanemilf | cankers0re | cannabis_chloe | canuk_mountie | cardi_b_b | caringfattyhere | carnut2023 | carolina_tina | catfish_catcher_ | cathrine_carpenter | cb_customer_servise | cb_do_not_record__notice | cb_do_not_record_app | cb_do_not_record_notice | cb_do_not_record_notice_ | cb_do_not_record_warning | cb_employment_agency | cb_fact_checker | cbadvisorshirley | cbangelofdeath | cbdoxxeralert | cbkyle_is_selling_your_videos | cbkyle21 | cbkyle420 | cbtrollalerts | centre_left | centurion_cunt_god | cgn_fag4life | challis_oflove | charismatic_christy | charliemikebravo | chasehutchfatrolls | chat_cb_addmind_2021 | chaturbate__system__warning | chaturplusize | chauncey15262 | chaunceygay | chaunceygg | cheffler_golf | chelvino | chi_omega_chick | chica_espana | chicaespana19 | chicaespana21 | chicago_alpha | chickenhork | chink0demay0 | chinko_de_r3tard0 | chloe_pritchard | chloecannabis | choloewild1 | chrisbagel457 | chuchan7 | chucklesindahouse | ciaosonoalexx | clarice_rawlings | clyde_max_jock | coachellachic | colin_321 | college_girl20_ | cologne_yum | colonmoocower | colostomy_muntain | connecticut_latina | connorblskreyh | coolrussians | corvettedilf | costooniealex | cougar_lady | coyry1 | craigs6969_is_bitch | craigslist_annie | crayonsarefun | crazisexikool | creamy_peaches22 | crustydiva | crustydivas | crybabyken | cryingyc0_on_x | crystal_baller2 | cuckmefuckme | cum_drops | curty123456 | d0xydollas | daddys_little_pleaser | daddysubs6673 | dadishereagain111 | dallas_guurl | danger_ranger65 | danish_chick | danish_princess | danishchic | danishchic20 | danishgirl21 | danishka_girl | danishxgirl | darkendof | daytona500 | daytona500_ | dearinhislughts | debbiecakes1848 | dees__nuts_ | defranky | denfag8 | dentures952 | dereklifertraer | designboioops | dexter___davis | diablo_sacoguy | diamondandpearls | dickrider69691 | dietcoke10050 | dilflivia | dilfvia | dinlickop | divorced_annie_granny | dmitrydickoff | do_fsb_know_youin_spain | do_not_record_alert | do_not_record_appp | do_not_record_apps | do_not_record_warning | dollababe69 | dom_mistress_for_sub | domtwunkthomasscamscb2024 | dootdootdootdoot1 | dopey_bopey | dopeythedwarf | dotoiir | doxeydolla | doxytrola | doxy_isnt_a_troll_joe_af_is | doxy_prince_goat122 | doxydollabanned_yc0 | doxydollastan | doxyfag_yc0 | doxyprincegoataf | doxysangels | doxywanna | dr_dilfer | dr_phil_knows_all | drivetime196633 | dua_chalupa | dua_lotsipa | dua_lotsipa_ | dua_lupe | dumbnerd_bologna_italy | dumbnerd3_wont_help_you_lol | dumbo_loves_his_mummy | dusty_situation | dvorakchekov | dykestryke1104 | effeminate_ruzzian_fag | el_chico_discreto_mad | elianakinky | elite8chic | elitechicseason8 | elitervipchicx | emogirlava | emoglrlava | englishlads_official | entitled_korean_milf | errocjbstitgr | esophagitis_isnt_real | espanolachick | essential_mod | estonianchick | eternallyflawed | everythingyouwantishere6 | evilputinneedstodie | exposing_catfishes | fachuhufireho | fagbedick69 | fagoff__frost | familyguy_official | farmer9in | fat_ass2050 | fatdaddykling | fatdaddyklng | fatloser2050 | fatshortchick | fauci14 | fauci15 | fauci1s | faucii11 | feeltherushbitches | femininebased | fillip_mickandson | finderdddy43 | firstandseconda | fishingdaddy4523 | fishy_fries | flarety_murfy | flipflopisdodgyaf1 | flirt4fags | flirt4fagz | flo_millie | flurona | flygayfromla | flygayfromnowh0re | flygayfromnowhere | flygirlfromnowhore | flymariahfromnowhere | flytrannyfr0msantamonica | flytrannyfromcalifornia | forthe_loveof | fox_news_lover | foxy_ladie | foxysugaarbitch | foxysugarbitch | francoisg69 | frau_blucher | freakydaddy35 | freeaccount23 | freshettreashert | friggedtrasler | frosty_lady | fuck_you_nick_fagot | fuckmerawinagraveyard | fugly_florida_fag | fun_buds | fun32guy | funnyjokela1928 | funnyjokela869 | g427106 | gan_dolphin | garden_variety_white_trash | gavin_epstein | genious_simmons | genkimiyazakii | geriatrician | german_twinks | gilbert_pounder | gilfvia | gina_lolawattage | glnger_mallbu | gllzzygangster22 | ginger_mallibu | glorious_asslicker | glorious_purpose | gloriouspurp0se | gloriouspurpose | gloriouspurpose_ | gloriouspurposes | god_is_dog | goonerfag67 | goth_doill | gothdoill | gothsugardaddy | gotta_go_to_telegram_scammer | granbpapabear | grandapabear | grandp34d0bear_lotsip_nanajoe | grandp4d0bearworksfordumbnerd3 | grandpajoestrike | grandpakenstrike | grandpamikereed | grandpapabear_xxx_joe00 | grandpawbear | grandpopabier | granny_zendaya | greasyforehead | greatgoat657 | greenbus3 | greta_valua | grim_please_leave_cb | grimfags_mom | grimreaper51498_ | grimreaper69142 | grims_missing_dad | guess_mrwonks_weight | guillaume_baillargeon | hadesdogcatcher | hashtagcba | hawaiichic | hawt_latina | hawt_shirley | hawtlatina4you | hawtlatlna | heartslmrs | hebgrgintiyou | hellogrossfag53 | henrythehen | hippie_ants | holly311x | holly3xx | holly711 | hollywoodchicx | holymolym | honken0 | hookah_hannah | hotblackguy1000 | hotelroute | hughgreaction | hughtress54 | hugo1505 | i_kiss_your_cock | i_licked_an_ass | i_want_it_that_way1 | iamalleyes | iamfromoz648275 | iamironman2186 | iamjake2340 | iamtaskieindrag | ians_biggest_fan | icarebouteveryone | iddy_it | igor_kurchatov | iht000000000000000000 | iht3000121154785121452145 | ilikegothdickxxx | ilovebisex2000 | im___b3000 | im__b3000 | im_not_michaelstromberg | imconnergay | imjay_seek_me | imweeek | ineedlassietocomehome | inoneeend0ut | inoneindoubt | insulink_lone_bday | insulink20050 | insulink2050 | insulink2050_fat_loney_fag | insulink2050_lbs | insulink2o5o | insulink5020 | inwonendout | is_lotsip_still_crying | isabelle_ringing | its_your_kate | itzbrodyqueen | itzbrodytrailertrash | itzbrodytrash | itzbrodytrashanburn | itzbrodytrashh | iwassilenced | iwllkickurass09 | iwonttryonemoretime | jackbeaasslick69 | jackbeasslick | jackbeasslick_salty_tears_yumy | jackbeasslick69 | jackbeasslick69_ | jackbeasslick69x | jackbeasslicker69 | jackbeasslicker69_ | jackbeasslickk | jackbeassliick69 | jackbechic69 | jackbecrook_alfie_steal_off_cb | jackbedick69_backup | jackbedick69_has_2_accounts | jackbedick69_multiple_accounts | jackbedick69_recording_you | jackbedick69_recordsshows | jackbedick69_xxx_joe00aresame | jackbedick74 | jackbedick96 | jackbediick69 | jac kbedumbo_bethief | jackbedumnthic69 | jackbefa969 | jackbefa9_banned_soon | jackbefag_getting_banned_oym0 | jackbefag_getting_banned_soon | jackbefag_yc0_af | jackbeisafatdick69 | jackbejoe_stealing_from_cb | jackbestealing_from_cb | jackbethicc | jackbethicc69 | jackchiguyfa9 | jackdebick69 | jackedbgdick69 | jackiebedick69 | jackiebethicc | jackebethicc69 | jacklameculos69 | jackmeehof_wannabe_mod | jackoff____frost | jackslildickup_lotsips_ass | jackster_has_herpes_lips | jacobjudge | jake_rubbit | jaekfrmstatefarm2 | jakelemarcia | jakithicclit69 | james_jjs | jamesmn22 | jamesmn220 | jarod90210 | jaxon_power | jayne_air | jeffry0dahmer | jenna_thesexyone | jennathesexxxxxyone | jennathesexxyone | jenny_nyc | jersey_autistic_fag | jiminy_dicket | jiminy_dickett | jiminy_dlcket | jiminyjocksluver | jimlny_dlcket | jimmy_loves_ped0_mods | jlmcornettexxx | jlminy_dicket | jlmmywocka | joanofarcbbq | jockla2022 | jockla2023 | joe_asslicker00 | joe_begger_woman | joe_durant001 | joe_masterfag | joe_old_sad_fag | joe_reedxxx | joe_reed_lotsip_scottbleu | joe_tearlick | joe_tearlick00 | joe_yc0 | joe339069 | joereedonlyfans | joereedsusedbussy | joeschmotight | joesmeriasboi | joetearlick | joetearlick__af | joetearlick_crying_af_dinopat | joetearlick_yummy | joetearlickss | joetearlickz | joetearlickzz | joeyc0 | joeyc0_af | joeyxx21 | johnnyfat_ | johnnyfatfag_should_retire_now | johnnyfatfag_shouldretire | jokela_fit_face2015 | jokela_tearlick | jokela2015 | jokela3015 | jokelachess | jokelagrandpachess | jokela____tongue | jollygreengiant385035 | jon_snow6 | jordane_spiffy | jp__jarrod__ | jp_jarr0d | jr100xxxjoe | jriico_kick_out_xxx_joe00_asap | juanita_benita | judge__judy69 | judge_judy69 | just_in_4inch | justbrowsing19 | justcooklng | justinburkexx | justincredible_lover | kamalas_balls | karen_lovelace | kbhardwaj30 | kcstargazer40 | ken___masterfagz | ken__masterfagss | ken__masterfagzz | ken__masters | ken_mast3rfag | ken_masterfags | ken_masterfagx | ken_masterfagz_ | ken_mastersfag | ken_yc0_masterfag_ | kendra__20 | kendra_masterfag | kendra_masterfagz | kendralotsip | kendramasterfagofficial | kendramaterton | kenn_masterfag | kennyislotofshite | kens_watching | kendramasterfagofficial | kenn_masterfag | kent_masterfags | kenya__masterfags | kenya__masterfagz | kenya_masterfa9z | kenya_masterfaag | kenya_masterfag | kenya_masterfag_ | kenya_masterfagg | kenya_masterfagz | kenya_masterfagzz | kenya_sm | keny_yc0 | kenya_yc0_masterfag | kenyaa__masterfag | ketsup_sally | khloes_botox_revenge | kick_out_milflivia_70yo_man | kimbajacktwink | kimberbndst27 | kimcardashean | kingmaiestic | kingofcalabasas | kinky_wild_legz_gone_missing | kinkyboynz86_is_lotsip | kinkyboynz87 | kinkyboyzlegs | kinkyfag69 | kinkyjcnz | kinkylegs | kinkylegsnz | kinkylegx69 | kinkylegzz | kinkylegzz69 | kinkylegzzz | kinkymissinglegz | kinkynolegsnzxx| kinkynolegz | kinkywheelchair86 | kirra_shirra | kissi_kardashian | kittycat18743 | kittygrrrl81 | klinkyboynz88 | kobifacktwink | kobifaglink | kobifagtwink | kobijackfag | kobijackfag_crying_af | kobijackfag_tearlick | kobijackfag_yc0 | kobijackfagg | kobijackfags_salty_tears | kobijackfagyc0 | kobijacklick | kobijackmasterfag | kobijacktwink | kobijacktwink_xxx_joe00 | koblfagtwlnk | kobljacktwink | kobljacktwlnk | kobyeith4dayz | koo020 | kooobthe | koooo2 | kubbyjerktwunk | kuntyjilltwink | kwilliamsfagyc0 | kyle_hh | kyle_nyc_ | kyelcb21 | looking4lucas | lady_boyd | lady_haha | lalaland2023 | lamariconasecreta | latina_maria1 | latina_milf_ | latina169 | latina311_69 | latina469 | latina4769 | latina6921 | latinachic_19 | latinachic19 | latinachick20 | latinachicfanclub | latinachick20 | latinachickx21 | latinachicx69 | latinachicxx | latinachix | latinahawt | latinahawt21 | latinaspain | latinaxchic20 | latinaxchicisbaeaf | latinaxchicxx | latinaxtina69 | latinaxxchic69 | latinaxxchic69x | latinaxxchick69 | latinaxxchicxx | latinaxxxchic | latinaxxxchick | latinaita24 | latinchic | lawranceha2 | lbs2050 | le_rooster_opcion | legality_rules | legsonwheelchair86 | leoisscammingcb | lesbiano | lets_go_branddon13 | lex_fan | libero_gal | libido_lover | lightlordd_is_milflivia_ctfish | likesleeveofwizard | link_2050_yc0 | link_has_no_friends_bday_alone | link_mcdonalds_burger_flipper | link_yc04money | link2050lbs | links_saddest_bday_no_friends | linksgreatgrandma | lipbalm4 | liquid_solo | live_jasmin | lmaowhre (known doxer)| lnonendout | loco_martin | loganassenjoyer | lolwatssj | londoncalling991 | londonchick69 | londoncocksucker19 | looking4ness | lookingforkfc | lookingformcnessie | lookingformessie | lookingfornesssie | lookjngfornessie | lord_malcolm | lorennaspainn | loslameculosylamierdaseca | lotgroomedme | lotshiparrested | lotshit_xxf_yc0_af_muah | lotshit_yco_on_twitter | lotshit1125 | lotshit3000 | lotsip__jackbesick | lotsip_75 | lotsip_myass | lotsip_recordsyou_4_gvideosnet | lotsip1929 | lotsip4 | lotsip5 | lotsip7 | lotsip72years_old | lotsip_scottbleu | lotsipa | lotsipmasterfag | lotsips_mybotbot | lotsipyc0 | lotslip (lechelibertad) | love_thy_enemies | lovelyboyonder22 | lpsg_free_tix | luckybeach | lucy___pearl | lucypearlss | lucypearlz | ludmilla_ | ludmilla___ | ludmilla____ | ludmilla_____ | luis_oosterhousing | luisa__colombia | luisa_aguilder69 | luisaaguilera08 | lupevelos | lustfulllives_maxednat | lustidvia21 | lustiidiva | lustiidiiva | lustiliviax | lustimilf | lustimilflivia | lustistr8pecatfish | lustixlivia | madonnaliveinconcert | madridchica | madrldchica | maithielou | malenka_pikhava | malepitlicker | malibukendra | maluma420 | mama_justice | manny_kuntz | mariah______scary | mariah_3000 | mariah_atthe_metgala | mariah_b3 | mariah_italian_chick | mariah_malibu | mariah_scary_ | mariah_scary_halloween_edition | mariah_scary1 | mariah_stoopid | mariahbestboss2 | mariahs_malibu | martin15fl | masculinefazed | masonic_warhol | massive_overbite | masterfag_boat | masterfagken | matthew_nelson | matthew_nelson_ | matthewgaetz | mattyp666 | maxcawfield_asslicker | maxednat_is_scamming_cb | maxxinedupri | maybethirsty | mayhem21 | melink2050 | melissaa24 | mcloser2050 | methchicx69 | miami420chick | michael_stromberg | michellestrike1104 | midwestchick212 | miguelstromberg | miiiilfvia | miiss_jockla_2015 | mike_blows_lotsip | mike_da_bitch | mike_kayn_fucks_ki4s_on_telegr | mikedyke1104 | mikes2inchclitty | mikestrike_bitchtits | mikestrike1104bussy | mikestrike11801 | mikestrike1104 | mikestrike1104_ | mikestrikes1104 | milahator_stealing_off_cb | mileysdream | milf_dlva | milf_livia | milffortwinks | milfjackiebedick69 | milflivia__ | milflivia_catfishing | milflivia_has_a_cock_yummy | milflivia_is_a_70yo_catfish | milflivia_is_a_70_yo_man | milflivia_is_a_creepy_old_man | milflivia_is_sexsuccex_ban_him | milflivia_man_big_catfish | milflivia_password_permission | milflivia_the_70yo_catfish | milfliviacatfish | milflivias_20_catfish_accounts | milfiviax69 | milflivla | milflotsip | milfmama4u | milfofcalabas | milftrivia | miliiiiiilfvia | milfxlotsip | milktoastfan1 | millionarepauper | minnesotaguy_69 | mints_mondojack | miss___murmurs | miss__murmurs | miss_cougar_is_a_70y0_man_banhim | miss_cougar_is_a_catfish_a_man | miss_cougar_lover_is_an_oldman | miss_cougarlover_catfish | miss_dazzle | miss_hot_mess | miss_hot_messy | miss_jaguar_lover | miss_jockla_2015 | miss_jokela | misscougar_is_a_60yo_man | misscougar_lover_is_milflivia | misscougarlover_is_a_catfish | missing_dad | missing_legznz | missinglegznz | missinglegznz86 | missmean | missy_jokela | mistress_whips | mlek_03903 | mlss_cougar_sexer | mod4free2020 | modjimmy | modtimmy | monafrompll | monaisapll | mongoloencapuchadoyouare | monkey2monkey2 | monkey2monkey4 | more_bodybags_for_ruzzia | motorcycle_driveby1 | mrmaxcock90 | mrs_dj_shay | msc3000 | multi_colored_cock_scammer | murf54 | must_leave_at_midnight_haha | my_main_man_victa | nagulabator6868 | namiraaxel_jackbethief_scammer | nashdy_212 | nathanielsk37 | naughty_nanny | naughtyandcloseted | niceguy909090 | nicenu1 | nicki_garbaj | nicks_a_lame_ass_btch | niclsmymaster | njersey_autistic_fag | nocturnal_hawk | nolegznz86 | not_afraid_toget_silenced | nothingagainstu | notwhouthink2 | odelllave | ohio_buck_teeth | ohyesssfag | ohyessssssir | old_shitty_boat | old_shitty_boat_sad_fag | oldlshitty_boat_owner | oliverfuglydash | olivia_del_toro | olivv96 | omerelaa | omeretta_is_old_af | omerettax | onlyfags | oooiegoogie | oprah_legend | oprahsurf | oprahwhat2 | orchldeee | orphanchic | osama_rubbish_laden | overy230_lbs | palace_trailerpark_home | parisbrosan | pastyskinbitch | patheticfatfag2050 | peachy_keenie | peas_in_a_pod | pebbles_girl | ped_0dadishereagain | perv_exposer | peter_pop_off | peterpa5284 | peterpan53697 | phildaking7 | phillip3000 | phillipconnors___wife | pieropiorr | pineapple_cake | pink_pootitang | pinkybarbiedoll | pintolyeterag | pistol_whipped | pixie_asslicker_yc0fag_muah | pixie_dlck | pixie_flick | pixie_sparkles | pixie_yc0_fag | pixiedicksie | pixle_dick | pleaseletmehelpyou | plinko_game | plxie_dick | pm__if__you_want_more_views | poolboydteerbv | poxie_dix | preston_your_hookup | prettibolflacko | prince_larry | prince_of_fun | princeofcalabas_records_models | princeofmyass | princesslotsip | princessoftoronto | prissyannie | projectpimp1 | provo_gurl | psychokinkyfromnz | pumperchumper | pumpkinspice3 | pussyleaks | puttana_twink | qf46 | queen_chuckles | queenbeemiisha | queenofshebba | queeraskinky | r_schlicker | ragazzi2023 | ram_kardashian | redbanit075 | rednailsandtails | retirement_home_reunion | rhett108_imilflvia_catfish | rhett108_is_milflivia_catfish | rhoff_asslicker | rhoff_is81 | rhoff80 | ridearedpony | rim_seat | ripped_undies_fan | rita_ora_sassy | ritualist6 | rizzlerinc | robert4801l7 | rocket_beyonce | rocky_pebbles2023 | rodrigo__diass | rodrigo_diass2 | rowboatpimper | rslopp18 | rubenkillyourself | rummagearound | runalongcassidy | runawaydaddy | russians_are_gross | rustydiva | rustygrownreat | ryan420_311 | sabrina_the_carpenter | sad_fag_empty_room | sally_dallas | salty_tears_yummy | samsb27 | samue__cunto | sander_shufflecock | santaclausiscomingtocb | santirosa2020 | sarah_cheating_wifey | sarahggartio21 | sasha_livachenko | savageking2018 | savonet_modwhore | savoryseanlong27 | scamming_telegram_cunts | scarry_mariah_2016 | scott_trailer_trash | scott_trailer_trash_bleu | scott_trallertrash_bleu | scottlshtwinky | scottsdaledaddy | sctkodi | seaniceanolopo | seanjustaman22 | seanstrong2233 | seateejay_is_a_bitch | seazonofrhenignr | secysexy567 | seekingjason | serenitychow2023 | sexmagiick | sexsuccex_is_a_70yo_man_creep | sexsuccex_is_milflivia_catfish | sexsuccex_is_milflivia_catflsh | sexy311ariana | sexyho23 | sexylaccrr232 | sexylexy2018 | sexysarah2029 | shea_coulee | shesassy | shifty_shade | shirleypooliogh | shitetrali23 | shitty_boat_owner | shitty_mcjob | shoplocalits | shufflecockgolf | shuggadadystud | shweddy_ballz_100th_account | shweddyballz_103rd_account | shweddyballs_isa_tard | shweddycatwoman | siddechicc | side_chicc | sidechicc | sidechickbitch | simp_hole | sir_elton | sista_soulja | sista_soulja47 | sistasoulger | sistar_abigail | sketchbook8 | skyblue7430469 | skuplus___88 | skuplus88_ | skyplus88__ | skyplus8888 | slashmythroatopen | slava_ukrainiv | slavaukrainiiv | slaynerbolt23 | slicchicc | slimfatass_ | sm0_sm0 | sm0sm0sm0 | snickerlad_farts_bigloads | snickerladpermban | snickers_chick | snickerslad_powerbottom | snickerslad_super_powerbottom | snickersasslicklad | snickerslad1 | snickerslad2 | snickerslads | snickersladx | snickersmilf | snlckerlad | snotty_cheffler | snowballty | so_hornii | soldierdude_lover | solodihlokin42 | sourjulcenyc | sourtears_yc0 | sourtearsnyc | spain__chic | spain_chic4 | spain_chic69 | spain_chick | spainchic | spainchic2 | spainchic20 | spainchic21 | spainchic2169 | spainchic2269 | spainchic23 | spainchic69 | spainchick21 | spainchick2169 | spainchick5 | spainchick69 | spainchick769 | spainchlck21 | spalnchic2 | spanish_chick22 | spanish_chick20 | spanishchic | spanishchic_21 | spanishchic19 | spanishchic20 | spanishchicax | spanishchick | spanishchick_20 | spanishchick20 | spanishchickx | spanishchix69 | spanishxchick | spanishxchickx21 | spanishxchicx | sportsfag5251_silencing_tipper | sportsfan5251_recorded_you | spring_soldier | springflowersz | starrynight49 | stateoftheunionisstrong | stealing_from_cb_jagain_jesper | stecierrehin | stickvorn4564 | still_stealing_fromcb_akwild1 | still_stealing_fromcb_jackbedi | stilllookingfornessie | stormy_nites | stormy_randles | sublime_santeria | sublimeanddivine | submissa_fasho | sugar_milf_69 | sugar_milfx | sugarmilf59 | sugarmilf69x | sugarmilflover | sugarmilfshake | sugarmilfx | sugarmilfx69x | sugarmilfxx69 | sugarmilfxxx69 | sugarxmilfx | sugarxmilfxx | sugercougar69 | sunnyholston | susiecakes6738 | swededaddy69 | sweet_lake_city__ | sweet_licorice | sweetchariott | sweetpoontangy | sweetsourjuiceny | swenllortetabrutahc | swimmer28_just_as_bad_as_b3000 | taken_hunter_to_telegram | taskeywholder33 | taskie_is_recording_cbalert | taskie1999 | taskie19o9 | taskieislosder | taskle1909 | taylor_sniffed | tb340 | teabreaktim | tearlick | tearlick_yummy | telegram_thief_ciaosonale | tem0gradyy | ten_jock4fun | terreerpinterest | texaslatina21 | the___modd | the__modd | the__rooster_option | the__rooster__option | the_modd | therealmattrife | the_truth_hurts_johnnyfat | thechozenone | thefilesareonthedesk | thelonglostdolla | themandalorlan | themandarolian_is_lustidiva | theotherothersidechick | therealb3000 | therealdoxydolla | thiesan1 | thirsty_asf | thirsty_mo_fo | thirstydiva | thirstys | thomasiknowyouarehomenow | throat_goat4real | throat_milfy | thumps3 | tiara_x | tiaraxx_69 | tiaraxx69 | tiaraxxx69 | tiaraxxx69_ | tiaraxxx69xx | tiaraxxxx69 | tiaraxyz69 | tiffany_pollard_hbic | timiko_jones | titina_latina | titsandpoons | tka2492 | tka25 | tlaraxxx69 | tokenwhhhore4u | tokenwhhore4u | tokenwhore4u | tomhugedick | tommmythemod | topdog_is_def_nota_top | topgunisabitchbottom | topsafari | totalhumanfemale | totalhumanmale_is_a_scammer | totalmalewhore | trashfag1909 | trashkie1909 | travis__deland | triagreraer | trina_babe20 | tringerpoler | trinity_gold | trixiemattell2020 | trollsfree2023failed | troof_bomber | trsitanspringyt | truxdesrtpoitodr | tu_bandeja_paisa_ | turnmeon21 | turnmeon24 | twicerhemansur | twink_college420 | twinkboilove21 | twinklover369 | twinktaint | tylerxxcxx | tyrian_the_grey | uga7 | ulga_romanov | unban_lotsip | uncle_howdy | uncle_howdy20 | unhappy_clown | unquechicx | ur_latina69 | ur_spanish_chic | urlatina69 | usa747 | usertraingkeiolp | utah_latina | utahxdaddy | vagina__boy | vett_marine | vett_marine_milflivia_catfish | victahoreland | victor_legasov | vin4bro | vinicius__jr | vladeeemeeer | voodoos_cock_of | wagnerispersistent00 | wagnerisunfaltering00 | wagnerisunyielding00 | wagnerresurrectedfromashes00 | wagnervspoliticalcorrectness00 | walmartparkinglot | wanda_sikes| watching_your_recorded_videos | watchmedancethenightaway | way_230 | wbb2_communist | we_want_to_keep_you_safe_strat | weloveamerica | wesley4201 | wetlatina5 | whackhim_kneeman2 | whatwehaveis | where_are_all_tippers_chase | where_is_xxx_joe00 | wheres_aaleexx_jackckbesick69 | wheres_jake_karra_jackbethief | whitefagwithabs | who_knew_b3000_can_hit_new_low | whoknewmytimeisup | whotheforkcares | whydouhatemesomuch | williamlussier04 | willl_zalytoreit | winniethepooh45 | winniethepooh46 | winter_solstice1 | wondah_woman | wonky950lbs | worldsbestboobs | worldbestbosss2 | worldbestmariah2 | wtf2021wasgood | wtfrdtimelucky | wtfisb3 | wtfisitwithfakeusers | wtfkwilliams | wtfsantahasabeard | wtfsantaisfake | wtfsantaiskinky | wtfsantaisnear | wtfsantaisnotfat | wtfsantaisnotveryfat | wtfwhereissanta | x_xxjoe00 | xhollyx69 | xlatinax69x | xlatinaxchic | xoxojoelol | xsugarxmilfx | xtina_69 | xtina_6969 | xtina2269 | xtina2469 | xtina569 | xtinalatinasxy69 | xtinax6_9 | xtinaxoxo69 | xxcluelessxx | xxtina00 | xxx___j0e00 | xxx__j0e00 | xxx_doxybanned00 | xxx_fa9_00 | xxx_fa900 | xxx_fag00 | xxx_fag00_asslicker_muah | xxx_hoe | xx_jen00 | xxx_jess00 | xxx_jesus00 | xxx_jjoe00 | xxx_joe_00 | xxx_joe00_adhd | xxx_joe00_backup | xxx_joe00_banned_again_lmao | xxx_joe00_bipolar | xxx_joe00_is_a_troll_ban_him | xxx_joe00_is_jockla2015 xxx_joe00_kobijacktwink_gray | xxx_joe00_kwilliams_triggered | xxx_joe00_modwhore_for_real | xxx_joe00_modwhore_for_real__ | xxx_joe00_modwhore1_ | xxx_joe00_oxygen_thief | xxx_joe00_recording_models | xxx_joe00_unhinged | xxx_joe69 | xxx_joebanned00 | xxx_joefag00 | xxx_joe00_is__jackbedick69 | xxx_josephine00 | xxx_pixie00 | xxx_pixiedick | xxx_tearlick00 | xxx_yc0fag00 | xxxfag_banned_again_dinopat | xxxfag_yc0_af | xxxjockla2015 | xxxjoe_00_is_kbamm_careful | xxxjoe_banned | xxxjoe_mods_for_ugly_fags_only | xxxjoe_yc0_af | xxxjoe00_is_recording_luciano | xxxjoe00_recorded_your_show | xxxjoe00_selling_your_videos | xxxjoe000 | xxxjoe0000 | xxxjoefag_crying_af | xxxjoefag_unmodded_today_muah | xxxjoefagz00 | xxxjoefromhell | xxxjoes_tears | xxxjoeyc00 | xxxjoeyc0fromhell | xxxkwilliams00 | xxxlilpeepfanxxx | xxxlinksoftdo | xxxx_joe000 | xxxx_joe0000 | xxxx_joe00000 | xxxxx_joe0000 | xxxx_josie000 | yabuddyisblack_ | yc0_19884878joe | yc0_masterfag | yc0_modwhore_fa9 | yc0_poor_asslicker | yc0_yummy | yc0pope2xxxjoe | yeahyeahhot | yeezus_walks | ynot_fag_awards | yoguiebear | youhavebeenhadbigtime | your_ceilings_are_shitty | your_latina_chic | your_side_chick_ | your_side_twink | your_spanish_chica | your_teeth_are_yellow | yourbuckteeth | yourdaddy479 | youre_a_catfish | youre_still_a_catfish | yourejustamaskedfreak | yourlatina_69 | yourlatina420 | yourlatinachic | yourlatinachic_21 | yourlatinachick2 | yourlatinachics | yourlatinachlc | yourlatlnachlc | yourlatinaxchic | yourmexicanchic | yourmexlcanchic | yoursidechic | yoursidechick | yoursidechick__ | yoursidechick___ | yoursidemilf | yoursidemilfx | yourside_twink | yoursidetwink | yoursidetwinkx | yourspanishchic69 | yourspanishchica | yourspanishchick_21 | yourtrulyguy328 | yousuckdick_ | yousuckdickk | yousuckdickk___ | yousuckdickkk__ | yousuckdlck | yousuckdlckk | yousuckdlckk__ | yousuckdickkk__ | yousuckdlck | yousuckdlckk | yousuckdlckk__ | yousuckkdiick__ | yrthgdbdgte12514512 | yummy_lotshit_tears | yummy_salty_tears | yummy_salty_tearsx | yummy_tears | yungbuckarod_is_lustidiva | zaiine_grey | zaine_grey | zainegrey_20 | zane_grey_20 || zane_grey0 | zane_grey20 | zanefag_yc0_af | zannegrey | zemoch | zulandress | zoey_dutch
Our final listing consists of usernames that have been banned by Chaturbate, each of these usernames at one time appeared on one of the above lists...
_20sexysarah02_ | _b3000___ | _greylivesdontmatter_ | _loverboys_soldiers | _mariah__scary_ | _sneaky_sneaky | 311kinyboynz86 | 3years_1month_1day | 4doorzmorewhorez | 7inchskywalker | a_top_from_utah_is_a_stud | a_william11 | aaron_wants_candy | ac361 | adriana_latina | al_sharptons_ass_hole | alexdress3246 | allexandre | anabella___ | anastasiabeaverhoosen | andbuffing | andrei_sakharov | ang3lla__ | ang3lla_____ | ang3llta | angela_de_barrio | annastasiabeaverhousen | annietransgirl143 | another_jed_is_29 | aprettyselectivelittlebitch_ | arthrexin | ashley6100 | asslickersladd | assruckus | atonable9756 | atboots | autistic_jokela | awaiting_an_adventure | b_3000_is_stealing_from_cb | b0030 | b3nambla | barney__franc | barrelfeta | beautiful_aspirations | beebigsbwar | beef_curry | ben_and_mark | ben_and_mark_peace | benny_hinn | bennydurspedd | bethylou_suck_my_dick | biden_lyin_afghans_dyin | biggergambler | bigtits_tina_tiara | billy_jewells | billy_jewels | blackdahliaha (per CB) | blake311johnson | blalne27 | bleepbe | blenderboynz86 | bobisheretoexplain | bobsakawakah | boozerbozo2_sc_someone | boozerbozo_jackbecunt69_sc_someone | boozerbozo_jackbecunt69_tg_thi | boredcollegech1ck | bossychlck_ | boyfrommarussia | bratan_chuvak | bratan_moi | bratans_soldats | bratz_soldat | bravo3papa | breben121 | brennen_weho | brolove_dude | brolove_dudes | broloves_dudes | broluv_dude | bros_soldiers | bros_soldierz | brotishka | broz_soldiers | bubbaspunks247 | caitfish420 | caksmitys_teeth_mustache | cal_can_die_who_cares | calahomo_26 | calamity_26_is_da_best | camila__cabello (chinko_de_mayo alias) | canruuuu | cantfixits | cardi_be (chinko_de_mayo alias) | casperthefriendlyfag | catfish_catcher | cb_legal_analyst | cbmodnewsreporter | cbs_legal_analyst | chadtrinal22 | champion042 | charleispointer | chasehutch_stealing_from_cb | chatraumiscgn | cheaterpilter | cheriesmjery | cherrycola2024 (banned by CB for doxing - ss on file) | chinko_de_mayo | chinkoherechinkogone | chrusingerop34 | chucky_the_fucker_doll | chuvak_ | chuvak_solider | chuvak_v | chuvaks | clitspecialist10 | craig_3409 | cody_weis_cunt_boy | codyweis2 | codyweis3 | college_catfishgirl_20 | college_girl_20 | colostomymountie | cool_vin | corey35__juicy | cottonfieldpickingcoonniqqer | courtney_brunwasser | cox4dayz | craigsubsde | crazyydog | creepy_old_lotsip | cristenwilhur3 | cristiano_my_love | cruisingisjoesbiotch | csaxxxjoe | cummertwink20 (deleted, screen shots show him doxing a viewer) | curtce1 | curtce2 | cyka_omon (lechelibertad) | d_u_mnerd_jackbethief69 | dabbydaduckk20 | daddyjenkonsstud | daddyloveslife257 | daddysboy_342 | daily_rainfall_levels | dakotaphillips | dankeking2332 | davidrossii | dayornig | dazed401k | denture952 | dereklickuser21 | detearerdadfy | diagnosed_love | diametsur86 | diana311__ | disisit66 | divadeva | divalicious___ | dj_sway (mariah_scary used following her ban on 9/1) | do_not_record_app | do_not_record_notice | doge_dude | doge_dudes | doges_bros | doges_broz | doges_dudes | donald_j_trump_2024_maga_ | donate_to_blm | dont_show_face_coz_am_fugly | doxxyxdolla | doxydolla | doxydolla_records_models | doxydollaarmy (CB confirmed) | doxydollas | doxytrolla | draxoic783 | dropzone2pls | drydenguy__doublechin | dude_patrol | dude_vincool | dude_vinkool | dudecoolvin | dudes_brolover | dudes_loveyou | duglzz | dumb_nerd_3 | dumbnerd7_jakob21xxx | dying4cumshow | dylanmulvaney | dylanxmulvaney (Per CB message) | dzho_efebofil (joe pedophile) | dzho_lyubit_malenkikh_malchi (joe likes young boys) | ebenezer_scrooge1 | elphabanorth | ericsilver389 | ernesto_de_la_mora | fagski | fancydre | fat_short_chick | finleytagdaddy34 | firefighterhoes | firstfuck6969 | fit_jamesfiewia | flewguyfromnowhere | flippaflop | flyguyfromnowhere | flyguyfromsomenwhore | flytrannyfromsantamonica | flytrannyfromsantamonica2 | flytrannyfromsantamonlca | ford_truckf350 | forty_year_old_cherry | freddiegraterna | free_as_a_birds | frickerer | fridaynovember5 | friends_4sure | froyo_trollo | funguys28372 | funnybuddy1928 | funnyguyy869 | funtasticguy27 | gangme_now | gary12396 | gdfc21| general_lotshit_ped_0 | gilipollasconmascara | giorgio_payter | gloriouspurpuss | gnarly_harley | godisawoman__ | grandpapabear_is_scamming_cb | grandpapabearr | grandpapabeer | gray1407 | hannahtijuana | harley_the_washedup_p34d0 | hawtlatina (chinko_de_mayo alias) | hawtlatina22 (chinko_de_mayo alias) | hawtlatina23 | hawtlatina32 | heandyou | holly__3ll | holly_311_ | holly_311__ | holly311 | holly311x | holly311xxx | hollyb3000 | hollyx311 | hollyx311x | hollyxx311x | hollyxx311xx | hoolapoop | hot_latina_chica69 | hotbichick21 | hotdouglas_chala | howjoestry | humanzwhore | i_am_ugly_af_dont_show_face | iamironman2l86 | iamteoneyouwanted | iamupschittscreek | ihtb3000 | ilikethethe | im_looking_at_a_whore | imari30_xxx | imyoursidechick | insulink2015 | irs_irs_irs_irs_irs_telegram | isabelle4hotguys | isanbe | islandboushau | i_will_get_even | its_kate_rhodes | itsnotisit | iwilltryonemoretime (arthrexin) | ivyisaweirdiwitxh | jack_be_dick69_dumbo | jackbechil4molester | jackbedick1 | jackbefknthief (CB confirmed) | jackbejoep34d0 | jackbethief_stealing_for_tg | jackbethieving_from_cb | jackiedboyyy | jackiemscke498 | jackiesims671 | jackson_daytona_1341 | james_mn | jamesecornette | jamieroberts1 | jarec__wentworth | jarrod_thetinytokker | jasonmarello_is_29_and_p34d0 | jaykehere_licking_tippers_ass | jaylenfly | jeffreytreehes | jenny209382 | jersey_mole | jessekimpol | jessica_cartwright | jessica_da_bomb | jessica_phat_ass | jest_the_facts | jetjetjet777 | jim__cornetto | jimc0rnette | jimcornettexxxx | jiminy_dickhead | joanne4caucasian_d1ck | jockla2015 | jockla20155 | jockle2015 | joe_durant002 | joe_durant003 | joe_xx_plays | joeinolel_xxx | joel_o_steeen | joeschmoedaddy31 | joetesnican | joexxxwonky68 | joeymn | johnjamesop | johnayy7_crying_fagoot | jordanisnt | jose_lotop27 | joseph_ymas | josiahstraussman | jp_jarrodwashere | judgenoahmercy | juicy_july | juicyjock22 | juicykrispaskaita45 | jumpkickrun | jungleliving311 | jupiterfloridawtf | k3nmasterf4g | kamala_harris_cunt | kamalas_ass_hole | karolinakurkova | katie_house_takes_nine_inches | katiehouse2fuckingstupid | katy_house_will_squirt_on_you | kbhasnoworkingasshole | kbsnortsmeth | kedr4i2yg | ken_____masterfag | ken____masterfag | ken__masterfag | ken__masterfagz | ken_joe_rip_lmao | ken_masterf4g | ken_masterfaag | ken_masterfag | ken_masterfag_ | ken_masterfag_lotshit | ken_masterfagz | ken_masterfagzzz | ken_masterson | ken_yc0_masterfag | kendall_masterfag | kenfucklinksgrandma | kenmasterfag_lots1t | kenmasterfag_lotshit | kenmasterfaglotshit | kenmasterfagzzz | kenneth_copelands_ass | kenya_masterfags | kenz_masterfagz | kenz_masterfagzz | khaleesi_heart_222 | khalessi_heart_222 | khalessi_horny_222 | khalessi_puta_222 | khalessi_spill_the_tea | khouse2 | khouse3 | kiing____martiian139 | kingmajestic__ | kingmajestic___ | kingofcb1 | kink2051 | kinkiboynz86 | kinkyboynz_86 | kinkyboynz_ii | kinkybrainfarted86 | kinkybrainfarterfromnz | kinkynolegz4eva | kinkyshittygif_creator86 | kinkyzainfromnz | kobifaglinkx | kobijerktwink | kool_vdude | kool_vin | kooldude_vin | kylexwilliams_00 | kylies_m_19 | lady_vag | ladydanbury | laffy_taffy22 | lamaratebtusweet | lancer_likes_snickers | laputica69 | latinachick22 | latinachicx19 (per CB) | latinachicx20 (per CB) | latinachicx69 (CB confirmed) | latinaxchic (per CB) | latinaxchicx (per CB) | latinaxchicx21 (per CB) | latinaxchicx69 | latinaxxchick (per CB) | lechelibertad | liacutegirl3 | lilpeepfanxxx | link20501 | linkfag2050_is_banned | linkfag205o_is_banned | lionguyforfun | lint_trap | livandletliv (colored, deleted) | live__supp0rt__ | liverboi6972 | looking2host___ | losbeans | lord_richard | lordofthegreyz | lorenzo_v | lorenzo_vin | lorenzozurzolo | lotshit_in_the_room | lotshit222 | lotsilp | lotsip_and_xobeath_recorded_u | lotsip_is_recording_ethan | lotsip_is_recording_ethan_baker | lotsip_is_recording_you_ethan | lotsip_mods_to_record | lotsip_records_broadcasters | lotsip_records_ethanbaker | lotsip_records_ethanbaker | lotsip_xxjoe0 | lotsip_xxxjoe00 | lotsipandtheped0s | lotslop | lotsyp | lottsip | love_to_lurk | loveyou_dude | luisa_masterson08 | lust_and_glory | lutwyche | luvpistolwtf | lzland_boy | magaly_medina | mambla | man_up_please | marcusdd501 | marcusdd801 | maria_scary | mariah__malibu | mariah_scary | mariah_scary34 | mariah_scarys_ass | mariazakharova | marjorietaylorgreene | markm12101a | marsrob | martinfl4 | mascguyct | mastermgir | masturbationpenisorgasm | matthewlauer | mattyt9219 | maximushomer | maxxy_homer | meerkatz957590 | melisssaaa4 | michaelstromberg | michellastrike | michigan_cody_weis_love | mike_oxlong09 | milf_colombiana | milf_cougar_lover (per CB) | milfliviaa | milfliviax (per CB) | miskaea | mistygalore | monkey2monkey1 | moon_is_shining | motherfuckernick | mrbhearts | muneydaddy275 | my_body_looks_like_a_skelton | my_dear_kate | my_kink_is_no_legs | my_name_is_lotsip_i_like_boys | myspecialdeliver | myvagisslanted | nadiawhitham | nelson_e | nemo203 | noah_stromberg | nwolcssa (per CB) | ohio_eats_dogs | ohnowhatthe | olivia5240 | omeretta | omfgyisthat | omgthefactarehere | onemanfunshowerd | onevikunefois | oompaloompalink | oscar_bach | owinnlightyear99 | p34d0_joe_stealing_from_cb | parkinglot_sip | patrick_chalpa | peasantofthegreyz | ped0_family_reunion_rip_lotsip | peruvian_talk_show_host | petebuttigieg | peterthepann | phillipaconnor | picking_nose_and_eat_it | pinkfagmer | pistol___ | pistolla32 | pistolsnambla | pisttolissbitch22 | pixie__dick | pixie_dicks | pixiesikx_asperion_rrolls | pleasuresponge | pol_granch | poliznote | princeof_wakanda | princeofcalabas_walmartgreeter | princeofcalabasas | princessofcalamity | prosecutor1 | putin_sucks_big_cocks | putins_ass_hole | ramonkaje | rest__in__peace_lotsip | rest_in__peace_lotsip | rest_in_peace_lotsip | ryscarr | rest_in_peace_lotsip_ | rhoff_is_xx_joe00 | robert480117moderator | robertxjames | rodney_boive31 | rodrigo_diass_ (per CB) | rot_in_ukraine_field_scammer | rt20379 | ryan_breslow | ryce_cake | saco_guy | sakatabiscuits | sarah_the_mermaid | sarahdavis07 | sasha_velourees (CB confirmed) | scamming_telegram_cunts1 | scooterchefler | scottismyrealname | seantaylorbwc | seantaylortrey99 | sebasxoxox | senile_joe_biden | sexy_annie143 | sexy311angela | sexyfiningspan47 | sexysarah222_ | shane__hall | shawnnw696 | shirtelaguy28 | shweddyballz | signuphere4fun | silentbongeter | simonsays027 | simple_pleasure1 | sisster_abbygail | skeepwasfaggot | skyplus___88 | skyplus8_8 | slava_ukraini | slava_ukrainii | slava_ukrainiii | smashy__ | small_boat_owner | smelly_farts1 | snatched_down | snickerslad__ (deleted) | snickersxlad (per CB) | snlckerslad | sobernonono | soldat_brat | soldats_4u | soldats_bros | soldats_v | soldier_bratan | soldier_bro | soldier_dude | soldier_loverboy | soldiers_bro | soldiers_friend | soliders_friends | soldiers_loverboys | something_is_up | somewhereinthe | spainchic_22 | spanish_chick | spanishchic22 | spanishchic69 (per CB) | spanishchicx20 (per CB) | spanishxchic (per CB) | spazzzpants | sputtering_eclipsesss730415 | stargrazer40 (CB confirmed) | stephaniegrillgrl | str8_nonono | straightoff | stranger_xyz | strattosboy346 | studdaddy895 | suckitup_cheezygirl | sugarmilfxx69x (CB confirmed) suibehindthem | superchubb_xxxxl | superextragay_af | superxxxxl_chub | svetlana_chinkachenko | swagmaster23456 | sweet_pea_sugar | sweet_sillyness | sweetbryanmahda37 | sweetcrawofdrow21 | sweetjuicyynyc | sweety_please | taco_bella | taskie101 | taskie1906 | tearlick_joexx | the_space_bet_your_tooth | thegeriatricgroomersareleaches | they_eventually_giveup_modding | thieving_telegram_cunt | thirsty_thursday | this_is_kate_rhodes | thisdaddypsybucks | thisgunman | thomaslichabcue_hot | tiffankneeitr20 | tiffrankfortyeboux | tka26 (per Chaturbate ban message - doxydolla) | tina_la_latina | titanosaurusrex | titus_boyfriend | titus_grandpa | tiuterpensxxx | tmstmstm | tom_cruise_famous_celebrity_p1 | trezgeeatestol | toddunav | tonyfeenow | toprock27__sissy_faggot | tossedsaladboy22 | tristandaddy247364 (jockla) | trixateforkizz45 | trollfightersquadleader | tweetybird3000 | twinkielover1 | tyler_biothe | u_need_to_be_double_penetrated | ugly_af_so_i_don't_show_face | undies_lover_daddy | urpiehole | usa_8_9_9 | user453233 | userman873 | username8796 | username_kay | usernameusernameusernameuser | vagina_boy | vikhoverland | vin_bro | vin_broz | vince4ududes | vincent4bros | vincent4broz | vincooldude | vincooldudes | vindudecool | vini_bro | vinman_ | vinman_4udude | vinman_v | vinman_vinnie | vinman4udude | vinman4udude_ | vinman4ududes | vinn_bro | vinn_bro_ | vinnie_bro | vinnie4u2bro | vinnie4ududes | vinnie4ududez | vinniebro_ | vinnievinman | vinnieyourbro | vinnieyourdude | vinny4friends | vinny4udude | vinny4ududes | vinnyyourdude | vinz_broz | voodoos_of_cock | wanking_from_home | wattsthefork | weedboys123 | wesley_420 | westwindz | what_a_tragedy | whatthefridge | wheelchair_user01 | wherehasprincegone | why_are_u_stealing_from_cb | worldsbestlotsip (per CB) | wtf_is_it_cb | wtfgunner | wtfisdeadagain | wtfisitok | wtfkinkyboi | wtfruonabout | wtfruonabout1010 | wtfruonabout1234 | wtfruonabout2 | wtfruonaboutcb | wtfthisisit | wtfwhereislink | wtfxmas | xtina_tiara | xtinanyc | xxjoe_williams | xxx_joe_ped0 | xxx_joe_records_your_room | xxx_joe00_50_accounts_ | xxx_joe00_adhd | xxx_joe00_alcoholic | xxx_joe00_alcoholic_ | xxx_joe00_banned | xxx_joe00_banned_ | xxx_joe00_banned_for_trolling | xxx_joe00_bipolar | xxx_joe00_careful | xxx_joe00_coffin_dodger | xxx_joe00_creepy | xxx_joe00_creepy_ | xxx_joe00_crying | xxx_joe00_dont_tip_when_i_mod | xxx_joe00_dumbfuck | xxx_joe00_dumbfuck_ | xxx_joe00_exposed | xxx_joe00_exposed_ | xxx_joe00_flyguyfromnowhere | xxx_joe00_flyguyfromnowhere_ | xxx_joe00_franco | xxx_joe00_freak_ | xxx_joe00_fsa_alarm | xxx_joe00_hitler | xxx_joe00_is_recording_jriico | xxx_joe00_kimjongun | xxx_joe00_kobijacktwink | xxx_joe00_kwilliams_cmn | xxx_joe00_kwilliams_mdance | xxx_joe00_lmaoo | xxx_joe00_loco | xxx_joe00_loco_ | xxx_joe00_loser | xxx_joe00_loser_ | xxx_joe00_modwhore | xxx_joe00_modwhore_ | xxx_joe00_most_wanted | xxx_joe00_over_100_accounts | xxx_joe00_oxygen_thief | xxx_joe00_psychotic | xxx_joe00_psychotic_ | xxx_joe00_saddam | xxx_joe00_sketchy | xxx_joe00_sketchy_ | xxx_joe00_sneaky | xxx_joe00_soap_dodger | xxx_joe00_stalin | xxx_joe00_terrible_mod | xxx_joe00_the_end | xxx_joe00_toxic | xxx_joe00_toxic_ | xxx_joe00_triggered | xxx_joe00_trump | xxx_joe00_two_faced | xxx_joe00_two_faced_ | xxx_joe00_wtf | xxx_kinkyboynz86 | xxx_single_latin_mamacita | xxxjoe_tears | xxxjoe22 | xxxjoe29 | xxxjoeraliri39 | xxxluisa00 | xxxxjosephsmile | y0usuckdick__ | yabbadabbadotime | yabuddy__is__back_ | yabuddy_is_cussing | yabuddy_is_not_trolling | yabuddy_is_sour | yabuddy_is_the_baddest | yippeecoyote11 | yooitsnickkk_ | yotambien_af | yourdanishchic | yourfavegrayyhyu | yoursidechlck__ | yoursidechlck_ | yoursidechick_ | yoursidechick_ii | youstupidmasked | yousucckdick_ | yousuckdlck__ | yousuckdlck_ | yousuckd1ckk__ | yousuckd1ick_ | yousuckdick__ | yousuckdickk__ | yousuckdickk_ | yousuckdickkk | yousuckdiick___ | zainisapain | zane_gray_20 | zebra_finch_farts | zebraguy10125 | zebrraloves24533
poor crustydiva and rusty_diva along with doxydolla's new troll name karolinakurkova, failed to troll xxjoe00 and get him kicked from room. how sad that almost all of chaturbate is catching on to them so fast
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing this. I received screen shots & PM's the new 'blue' Juvenile Troll sent. Am told several reports have already been sent to Chaturbate using them.
Deletenew troll name karolinakurkova just got his paid member account banned following reports of the trolling in pm. models are happily sharing screenshots of any troll pm they receive. let's hope trolls get the message that it is no longer being tolerated by chatters much less models
ReplyDeleteI mentioned above I have copies of the PM's & the camguys reaction too. It's good some camguys are now calling them out & reporting them for their behavior. However, a new Juvenile Troll name with tokens was at it again this morning using the name of 'vanessahegelmaier'. It didn't work & I have screen shots of this attempt too.
DeleteSad day for one of doxydolla's alt grey accounts yourlatinachic. Seems it's been banned. While it's a win, chaturbate still isn't doing enough overall. doxydolla and all the alts being used has had more than sufficient proof that they are abusive as contained in the TOS per their actions as well as screenshots of the secret pms sent. One can hope support will finally one day realize that this is only hurting the site and losing visitors
ReplyDeleteAnother reader sent me a message about this earlier, a few others were too. But yeah unfortunately doxydolla or the old chinko_de_mayo makes usernames quicker than rabbits reproduce.
DeleteUnfortunately the only way I think CB to manage theses users with multiple accounts would require all registered accounts to be government ID verified as is required now for broadcasters. But I don't see that happening until pressure from the major credit card companies for viewer age verification. I see viewers in Louisiana now need to be ID verified to access adult content but that is flawed as people can just use VPN.
DeleteI did read something about Louisiana passing a law on XBIZ. Countries in the EU are also working or have passed laws on porn sites & age verification practices. I don't believe viewers using a VPN are able to chat on Chaturbate so that would take away their reason for creating accounts. Sites could flag the ID# not allowing multiple creations so this could be a way to clean things up. I just don't see a good answer on the horizon though.
DeleteOne easy way is not to allow greys to chat unless they have bought tokens at least once along with a valid email address. Not a long term solution but a start.
ReplyDeleteSadly even the twitter has found the troll and their blog disgusting - "We locked "troll account name here" account for breaking our abusive behavior rule. We found they broke our abusive behavior rule through different reports we received about their behavior. They can’t Tweet, Retweet, or Like content, and we’ll ask them to remove the reported content if they want to regain full access to their account" Amusing.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing.
DeleteHeard it's a bad time to be Doxydolla the ban hammer came down hard on her this time. See you already have her new name Zoey_Dutch listed we'll see how long that lasts already reported it.
ReplyDeleteHadn't really thought about him but guess I haven't seen him in a while. Maybe his trolling behavior caught up with him, at least for now using that name.
DeleteDoxydolla should be banned if she isn't already. I have never previously witnessed such a liar play an angel when everyone knows quite well what she is. It's amazing that she regards herself so low that she would act in this way.
DeleteLiam and Brody were the best show on Chaturbate this year. I noticed one or two of the typical troll names, but they remained silent instead of joining the fun with everyone else.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately I wasn't able to be there for their show. From what I understand everyone is welcome to take part in Brody's shows but he won't put up with any disrespect which really isn't too much to ask from viewers.
DeleteHold on the trolls claim rooms with the moderators are never successful. Best show on CB this year, how is this even conceivable per troll think?
DeleteThe trolls comments change with the wind, consistency isn't in their DNA.
DeleteThis whole page looks very fake and it seems you name competitors "trolls" for doing exactly what you do. I would like all people to stop shouting "troll" or whatever to eachother and simply respect that there are a lot of people and different agendas out there. Nothing gets better by just keeping some infantile "troll" blaming sites against eachother. That's my five cents. Have a good day and please consider this a friendly note.
ReplyDeleteFake? I assure you won't find anything of the such on this blog & your words show you have no knowledge of how the Juvenile Trolls behave. What 99.9% of people on the male side of Chaturbate 'would like' is for the Juvenile Trolls to stop their lies, grow up, allow camguys to earn tokens without disrupting rooms, & stop causing camguys to quit the site. It's an adult site, there is no need for attacking others they are jealous of, which is why I call them 'Juvenile'.
DeleteLord hasn't any idea what the trolls do to models and viewers. I see it always starts on one side when the school kids show up the room goes to the shitter.
DeleteCGN shows screen shots of the situation not some desired outcome that needs to be spun to fit a failed narrative. If he doesn't want to believe what is right in front of his eyes, can't help him understand it then.
DeleteI must say I agree with the comment from the user "Lord". At least a couple of the so called "Trolls" listed above is bullshit, that might be all I know for a fact. Can't say anything about the rest. But combining bullshit with fact is very unusual. So I guess it's all bullshit.
ReplyDeleteSo actual screen shots showing the trolls behavior is bullshit, that's an interesting take. One that I call bullshit on. My friend, open your eyes.
DeleteChris you are 100% correct. You should see the trolling CGN's friends have committed over the years on their main accounts as well as plenty of sock poppet nicknames, yet they never make it on the list, because it would go against CGN's propaganda slogan "we are holier than thou".
DeleteFor example, if I had a dollar for every grey account B3000 has made and gone back into a room he was kicked out off to interrupt the show and make it all about him, I could pay to become "President of the Free World" right now.
But the truth doesn't fly around here, and CGN will just claim you're breaking ToS as an excuse to delete your comment. Which makes this Troll Blog #2.
This is where your 'new' strategy of commenting falls apart, you haven't thought it through very well. NONE, repeat NONE of this would have ever been a thing had you trolls not let your jealousy get the best of you & do what you have been doing to other viewers. Thousand upon thousands of Chaturbate viewers see this. Are you even able to comprehend any of this?
DeleteDo you expect people to sit back & not defend themselves against all of your trolling lies when they have done nothing? People just want to enjoy Chaturbate & camguys when they come online, that's all, but y'all decided to let your jealousy get the best of you & act like juveniles. Take your trolling comments elsewhere, I see right through them.
My gosh they are relentless. They do stand out like a fish out of water with this and on CB.
DeleteHappy to report that juvenile troll lechelibertad (colored account) has been banned by CB. This particularly despicable troll used Nazi references to attack innocent users. Consistent with the childish behavior of all the juvenile trolls, he promptly created a grey account, lotslip, which has been reported for circumventing a ban.
ReplyDeleteWas away the last day or so, thanks for sharing!
DeleteWhat you simply don't seem to understand is that you are one of those so called "Juvenile trolls". They would not exist if you didn't kept provoking them, and doing the exact same thing. There is no difference between you and the people you call "Juvenile" or "trolls". You are exactly the same. You are one of them. This is correct however, 99% of the viewers and models would like to end all the drama you and the people you call "Juvenile trolls" causes.
ReplyDeleteAll the things you blame "them" for are exactly what you are causing yourself.
No, I don't troll, never have, never will either. Nobody provokes them, they control their own behavior not anybody else so don't go around trying to spin it like somebody else influences their behavior. They were doing it long before I even found out about it & are presumably adults. They need to get over their jealousy of other viewers & grow up, it's really that simple.
DeleteI have been around and watched and listened to both you and the people you call "trolls". They say exactly the same. The thing is, either of you can see your own part. That's what Iv'e been trying to say the whole time. You have your own narrative and is equal incapable of seeing your own part of it. That's why I commented here to start with. Low expectations it would make any difference though.
DeleteI've been on Chaturbate for far too long and remember the trolls nonsense from way back when, and nothing has changed. Instead of having fun with hot models, they troll because they are afraid of moderators who won't let them be rude or go after other users.
ReplyDeleteThere is one big difference you fail to mention - CGN shows the trolls behavior & doesn't show a screen shot that has to be 'spun' to fit a narrative. Big difference there Lord. The trolls are presumably adults & control their own behavior, they chose to behave as they do all on their own. Look at the screen shots, they are right there for you see.
DeleteThe troll blog got deleted? Not that I care but wondering why.
ReplyDeleteI received several messages about it the other day, but don't know anything about it.
DeleteI have been a model on CB and I don't care if people who case problems are from this or another group, site or team. It cases the same problem. And most "trolls" want to be a moderator. That is maybe the easiest way to see them. They always want to mod. Only common thing all trolls have.
ReplyDeleteI don't necessarily agree with that. Some viewers truly want to help camguys be successful whether they are a moderator or not, there are no ulterior motives. Some are just shitty people with nothing better to do than disrupt chat rooms & hurt camguys ability to earn tips because they are jealous of other viewers. Based on some comments I've seen over time, I think there is a lot of history with some of these viewers & how they behave.
DeleteAs like Mike I was a model on CB for a few months. The bad trolls are no different to some of the other ones from the other group. I kept on getting 1 token tip notes and PM's telling me to ban them the bad trolls. Then they said they can make my room good by getting big tippers in if they were my mods. Every one of them the good and bad trolls have ulterior motives. Some are just so persistent it is pathetic. In the end I just closed CB.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you hade to close your Chaturbate account, your comment shows you don't know the history of all this & what it leads to. The juvenile trolls started trolling chat rooms years ago due to their jealousy of others, their lies & attacks on viewers causes tipping to stop with viewers leaving the room never to return. Some viewers decided to fight back to help camguys & let them know about their behavior & what the outcome of it usually was. 99.9% of Chaturbate viewers are good people who just want to enjoy camguys & not deal with the juvenile trolls behavior (including doxing), had they never started acting up we wouldn't be talking about it here. It really boils down to this, some viewers legit want to help camguys succeed while others jealous behavior gets the best of them & causes a lot of harm to camguys.
DeleteOnce the tips stop the models go away and the ones posting don't get it. Well enough cause if they're dumb enough to believe the trolls they won't make it on CB anyway.
DeleteIt's understandable someone with no knowledge of the trolls behavior would expect something like this on an adult website. In many ways it's the camsites fault this happens, they don't require any training tutorials prior to their first stream. It's sink or swim with most sinking & the next new guy signs up. I've told Bunnyboitwnk he'd be really good at tutorials & should work something out with Chaturbate. ( - his video is great.
DeleteLooking at comments and your respons and your list I see you have way more people on list than you have sceen shots on. People saying you fake list because of own agenda makes a point.
ReplyDeleteI'd encourage you to read what's written right before the lists, hopefully it will sink in for you. Keep in mind, thousands, yes thousands of viewers have seen you trolls in action.
DeleteHe just proved you right with his all too predictable "if you don't agree with us, you're a troll" response.
DeleteThat is why the majority of the Chaturbate community is as over them as we are of the trolls. And why more third-party people like you and me continue to turn on them.
Because they're all the same. The trolls lie about being mod beggars, and the other camp just mod-beg like it's a 24/7 job. The only thing both camps care about is taking control of models' chat, and by extension, the model.
Hardly what was said - if he'd spent any time on Chaturbate he'd know a lot of these names & not expect a screen shot for what are there 800+ names? I've lost track after however many years they've been trolling camguy chat rooms but thousands of viewers have witnessed them.
DeleteBased on what you're saying in your last statement - I question if you've spent much time in chat rooms on Chaturbate too. Keep in mind - the camguy controls their chat room & calls the shots, not a moderator or anyone else. It's great to help a new camguy if it's genuine & not driven by an ulterior motive.
The only thing both camps care about is taking control of models' chat, and by extension, the model. - Callan you have just nailed it. Congratulations.
ReplyDeleteSo you accept the trolls POV without even actually looking at what was really happening? Interesting & telling take.
DeleteI don't know the users the trolls went after but still see them and see no problems. I joined CB in 2021 so I can't say what it was before but hope the trolling is over the last weeks have been refreshing with most trolls gone.
ReplyDeleteWe miss out on lots of models cause the trolls ran them off. Maybe more will try again now there is peace and acceptance.
ReplyDeleteCamGuyNews I agree with you the model is the one who is control of the room in reality. However I would find it hard to accept if you disagreed it is possible for mods to feed the model some information via a PM about a user in the list who the mod or mods do not see eye to eye to. Callan is 100% correct in saying both camps look to take control of models' chat. There is one exception sort of. The model being itzbrodyking. He is in control of his own room. Brody is aware of the dislike of the mods and other users. However after having watched Brody's last 10 shows from start to finish, the dislike is in no danger of being stopped. It is a room where unless you are known to the mod camp through either by tipping or fan club you might as well just remain silent. The whole chat from start to finish of every show is either from the mods in red, fan club in green or other colored users who are known to the room. The saying you scratch my back I will scratch yours is on show. I applaud Brody for the show he puts on. But the welcoming mat for new users in chat and tippers is somewhat missing.
ReplyDeletePossible? Probable. A good moderator is going to alert the camguy of a viewer('s) who has a history of creating unprovoked drama in chat rooms. I have no problem with that as long as it's true & there is no ulterior motive in play.
DeleteI don't agree the control comment is 100% correct at all. Believe it or not there are plenty of viewers who moderate chat rooms who want to help camguys have a great show & earn a lot of tokens. Brody King is a great camguy & knows his moderators have his best interest at heart - each was recommended by industry award winning/nominated camguys. Brody is actually one of the more welcoming camguys there is, everyone is welcome to come enjoy his shows, chat away with it being reciprocated, & tip if they choose. Hell he even invited the trolls in his room a couple of months ago which shows you how welcoming the room is, it went well until a troll or two decided to show their true colors & he had to address them.
itzbrodyking is a prime example of what I spoke about. They only offer their "support" if they can control you and your room. And swarm to your social media as well. They are not interested in "helping" anyone. Everything they do is for their own sexual gain beyond Chaturbate.
DeleteThey target the youngest American models because they're more gullible. You will never see any of them tip or stay in the room of someone who refuses to mod them, is over 25 or lives outside of the US. If they can't control you, they want nothing to do with you.
Not that they ever tip big in the rooms they do control. It's usually a 1-token tip note "mod me", followed by a pm "mod him, and him, and him". That's how you end up with multiple freeloader mods within 5 minutes. Using "itzbrodyking" as an example, he's got 8 listed mods and only 2 are in his "High Tippers" list. The other 6 are known gif-spamming idle chatterboxes.
"Being recommended by award-winning camguys" - that's about as believable as Mariah_scary being named Mod of the Year 3 times in a row. Then you wonder why the rest of the Chaturbate community sees you and the trolls as being all the same. Do you ever take a step back and hear yourselves?
Callan you try so hard, I'll give you that, but your BS doesn't go far. Brody controls his own room, takes no shit from anyone, & for anybody who's ever been in his room they know that with out a doubt. If you would ever bother to ask him, he'd tell you his moderators have helped him out greatly & promote him.
DeleteWhat you actually describe, is what your band of merry little jealous trolls do. All of Chaturbate knows this, is sick of it, which is why support is taking the action they currently are. Please, learn to get along with other viewers & enjoy the models which is why 99.99% of us are there for.
LiamJacobs20 won an XBIZ Cam Award, Parker Jacobs was nominated - here are links showing you this too... & the winners...
I go to Chaturbate to see hot ass and cock. Trolls say I need to go to Chaturbate to troll. Sucks to be a troll.
ReplyDeletePoor banned Doxydolla is restricted to making ridiculous gray names and stupid comments that are ignored by everyone. We should all pitch in and send her on that cruise to Dubai.
ReplyDeleteRight-click his name, report this message, and inform CB banned user Doxydolla made the account in order to gain access to CB. He keeps doing it cause he got nothing better to do with his life.
DeleteGeo and Wankboi claim Doxydolla is restricted to making ridiculous gray names, stupid comments and keeps doing it cause has got nothing better to do with his life. I would be very interested to see what proof Wankboi and Geo have to confidently claim that. Geo and Wankboi please post your evidence. You do have evidence to back up your claim?
ReplyDeleteIf it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, chances are you've got a duck.
DeleteAnonymous October 8, 2023 at 11:57 PM your reply is brilliant. I could not have penned it better. Just a barrage of hot air. To show how easy it is to pen a reply with no basis of credibility or truth, how about I make the following statement. I hope everyone is aware both the Geo October 1, 2023 at 2:08 PM opinion and Anonymous October 8, 2023 at 11:57 PM were actually written by Chaturbate user jackbedick69. I have no way whatsoever of knowing if my claim is true. I just picked the username jackbedick69 as he was always fighting with Doxydolla. All these replies show the troll subject lives permanently in the mind of some Chaturbate users. Believe it or not there is a life outside Chaturbate.
ReplyDeleteIf readers want to comment on the Juvenile Trolls, that's what this particular page is for/about. They created a hostile environment that every viewer had to put up with for years which is why Chaturbate Support is taking the actions they are against the Juvenile Trolls now. When looking at the grey versions of 'jackbedick69' created by the trolls (or all the other viewers they attack), we know who lives in who's head.
DeleteI can't speak for Geo, Wankboi, or anonymous from above, but I can confirm the person behind the 'doxydolla' username (associated usernames too) has been permanently banned by Chaturbate. I am aware Chaturbate has been sent information regarding additional free grey usernames created by this person & 2 others who've been recently banned too. The Juvenile Trolls are being watched by the camsite like never before, heck, just yesterday another one was banned by Chaturbate mid-stream.
As I commented above (another thread)... "Please, learn to get along with other viewers & enjoy the models which is what 99.99% of us are there for."
CGN I agree we all need to get along. I saw grey usernames being utilized for nefarious purposes against a user the other day. Childish acts like this show who the problem starters are and they need to act their age rather than their IQ.
ReplyDeleteDid you get my DM about a new model I want you to review? Trolls found him to.
ReplyDeleteSorry, just found it in my message requests. I accepted it. Since I wasn't following you I don't see anything you tweet or tag @camguynews in, doesn't appear in my notifications.
DeleteI was in a room when the mod grandpapabear replied to a user with this comment- b3000 has been banned. I nearly fell of my chair in disbelief. And yes his profile says account banned. b3000 had his share of haters but he was always fair when he was a mod. The trolls look like they are still causing problems.
ReplyDeleteI only know b3000 from what I see on the camsite. Have often said here he needs to stop responding to those who are harassing & trolling because it's exactly what they want from the viewers they are trying to get silenced or banned.
DeleteB3000 is fed up with trolls like the rest of us on CB and don't deserve what they do to him. Want to know who is right here? It would take an imbecile to not see all the trolls names banned compared to other users, B3000 will be back I bet.
Delete"The staggering amount of grey pest accounts HE has made over the years." For some reason you've failed to mention the staggering amount of grey & banned annoying troll usernames listed above. Wonder why that is? He'd been attacked REPEATEDLY for years & decided to fight back, I've often said I wish he'd just screenshot, report, & move on.
DeleteI don't know anything about b3000 other than what I'd seen on the camsite, like him or not nobody deserves the way the trolls attacked him. Talk about lying, do you think the now banned 'colored' troll usernames would admit to having alt. usernames? Or lie to get users they dislike silenced or kicked? I can go on if you'd like... How about this, if you can't stand someone put him on mute so you don't have to see his messages rather than disrupt the entire chat room. What a simple adult solution, right?
Admin Note: To the reader leaving a comment at 2:42 a.m. (EDT.) on 11/28/23. Your comment has violated CamGuyNews comment policy & has been deleted, your previous comment has also been deleted, & you've been permanently banned from commenting on CamGuyNews. Additional Note: Please notice there have been no troll 'posts' since July 13, we've moved on from trolling 'posts' as their false narrative has been exposed & proven false ad-nauseum. Troll comments are still welcome on this page however.
Delete"Colored" juvenile troll livandletliv's account has disappeared from Chaturbate. When you try to look at his account, it just brings up the main screen. Don't know if this was a ban or something else. Maybe he created a new colored account to troll under?
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing. Who knows when it comes to them.
DeleteI did not know I am living rent free in Anonymous's head. I was told my name was mentioned in a troll blog while I was supporting a chaturbate user by the name of _english_rose So anyone who does not play ball and adhere to "rules" set by other members is a troll. I am still a supporter of chaturbate. Anonymous should try looking at our categories of rooms such as female, age and location.
ReplyDeleteHey Liv, thanks for the comment. Unfortunately you've made some predictable mistakes. CGN's 10 years running & isn't a troll blog, which you already know like everyone else. The username '_english_rose' doesn't exist on Chaturbate as of 11/29 but I'm sure you've got an excuse for that. Now for the trolling with your username during the evening of 11/15 in 'wowzer123_' chat room. A viewer you trolled sent me a screen shot of it & I was able to go there, the trolling promoted the same exact failed narrative of the small clique of trolls widely known on Chaturbate. Here is that screen shot,
DeleteIn case you haven't noticed, there hasn't been a troll 'post' since July 13 as we're all tired of it & moving on. Troll comments can still be left on this 'page' going forward but no more comments like those deleted earlier this week or yours which contain spin/misleading information will be allowed. Thank you.
They must not have anything better to do with their time than making up barely coherent stories to stir the pot. Then a screen shot discrediting that story has to have them seething.
DeleteLivandletliv never dreamed a screen shot existed of her trolling LMAO.
ReplyDeleteYou see permanently banned Doxydolla making all those grey names in Memphisdatwink room last night? Over 20 names talking to himself like he always did.
ReplyDeleteI only saw a little of it, a viewer did send me a copy of the live chat though.
DeleteMemphis isn't my ideal model but after reading this went to his room last evening. Was that Doxy making bleeding comments and threats?
DeleteIt was more likely than not doxydolla who made the comment & names.
DeleteAll the fuss over this Memphis guy died off fast his room was a bore last night.
DeleteTotally agree that Memphis guy is boring. What irks me is the users who amalgamated in his room and in all other new model rooms who just rubbish grey users for trolling have not been seen back in the room. Another new room can be added greysonmarine I wonder why? There is always 2 sides to every story. Chaturbate is for all to enjoy. Both groups are as bad as each other. FFS stop playing your pathetic games.
ReplyDeleteI don't agree with you on both groups, you'd have to be blind & in your first visit ever to Chaturbate to think that. Yes, Chaturbate is for all to enjoy, but with the trolls behavior the last several years it's made it difficult. They are giving it a try now with grey (free accounts) due to all the bans that took place. Yes their games are pathetic.
DeleteI don't recall a time with more model rooms set for only users with tokens to chat. Did Chaturbate change settings or is it grey trolls causing it?
ReplyDeleteMost camguys (not just new) have quickly learned shutting off grey's ability to chat shuts the trolls down. I've seen probably 30+ viewers this year suggest using this feature to camguys too, so the trolls have themselves to blame & it says a lot about them too. Chaturbate hasn't done anything, they launched this feature for this very reason & it allows grey's to watch the show as it encourages those not-banned to buy tokens.
DeleteThe number of "new" rooms without a moderator has increased too. Maybe they have seen the light and did some research before signing up and found there are apps and bots that do the same thing. But unfortunately, the same users still try and weasel their way to be the almighty powerful mod. There are some good 'mods' it cannot be argued. Fingers crossed the days of mods will be gone forever.
ReplyDeleteActually, the last several nights I've been online I've seen a lot of "new" rooms having a moderator or moderators in many cases. Those apps & bots have always been there but new camguys don't ever read up on them & viewers, a lot of different viewer names I'm seeing are there to provide help as moderators. Of course as I've always said, it's the camguys choice if they want a moderator or not & that feature isn't going anywhere as Chaturbate put it there to help camguys & as a way of controlling rude, jealous, & disrupting trolls... Sure you know a thing or two about that, right?
DeleteAll those apps and mods are around for the sites betterment. We all put up with trolls long enough time for them to go away if banned its no concern to them.
DeleteMeant to respond to this, sorry. Yes they are banned, but continuing to do what they do only proves to everyone they got nothing else.
DeleteWish Chaturbate finally would say no more gray chat. They can watch but buy some tokens to join the models chat.
ReplyDeleteThe old troll blog complains muting grays is being hateful. Never do they tell the whole story why muting grays is needed. It's because their gray troll names troll and want to be bothersome to all Chaturbaters. Grays can still watch and if they want in buy tokens but don't act like trash like the troll blog.
ReplyDeleteAll viewers who saw/see them trolling know they're full of shit and lie constantly. Just like they know why Chaturbate banned all of them & then see them come back using free grey accounts is because they got no social life. Nobody feels sorry for them & why should they? I can show plenty of hateful screen shots of their comments to both viewers and camguys - but I can 1000% guarantee they'll never post them. I agree, everyone has fun when the 'trash grey trolls' aren't allowed, the decent grey's I got no problem with.
DeleteCamGuyNews to simply claim the grey trolls who you despise have no social life is laughable. Why is it the same-colored Chaturbate usernames have been and still are very active on a daily basis after all these years? Could the reason be they have no social life either?
ReplyDeleteNotice in the comment above you are referencing I did say I have no problem with decent grey viewers. I don't care for trolling regardless of the color a viewers username is, I'm certain 99.9% of viewers would agree too. What is laughable is this, these grey trolls (a handful at best) continue making free grey account after free grey account nightly to access Chaturbate, after the camsite has told them they're not wanted via multiple bans. If they had anything else they'd move on instead of what they are doing after being told this.
DeleteI'm sure there are some 'colored' viewers with limited social life's for whatever reason. I interact with a large number of viewers on social media who are active socially & have many interests they fill their time with including having active social calendars. Most of those interactions are always pleasant, not always, but they are always respectful & don't act like complete asses as these grey trolls were talking about do.
Greys make up about 70% of the eyeballs on cb. The ones with no social life are the dark purples who spend 15 hours a day on cb. The greys have social lives and choose to spend their discretionary income on eating out, movies, dates, shopping, etc...................................
ReplyDeleteYour numbers aren't accurate when it comes to eyeballs & a lot of people having an insane number of grey accounts, hell ONE banned viewer has created over 50 grey names this year alone. The comment you're referencing above & no social life is about the 'grey trolls'. Chaturbate has banned these individuals but they keep on creating grey free account after grey free account nightly to access a camsite that has repeatedly told them they're not wanted. This is why I said they have no social life or anything else cause if they did they'd be out doing what you suggest they are out doing above.
DeleteI'm sure there are some 'colored' viewers with limited social life's for whatever reason. I interact with a large number of viewers on social media who are active socially & have many interests they fill their time with including the exact things you suggest 'greys' do above. Most of those interactions are always pleasant, not always, but they are always respectful & don't act like complete asses as these grey trolls were talking about do.
HAHA always can tell when something pisses the trolls off. A no life and no social life remark rubbed them the wrong way it must be true LMAO.
ReplyDeleteWell they are all banned, look at what they keep doing, & for what?
DeleteI ignored their shenanigans but it became impossible once I was targeted for supporting a model and greeting the wrong user. Watching it has shown their envy and hate for all of Chaturbate making me wonder why are they there? None of it's funny and they are so strange even when not acting like buffoons.
ReplyDeleteSorry you were targeted but keep in mind they've targeted 100's of viewers & camguys due to their jealousy. I agree they're an odd clique' & despite being banned are on Chaturbate because they probably have few social interactions. We can only hope one day they'll open their eyes & see what the other 99.9% of Chaturbate viewers see.
DeleteIt must be true is a very interesting claim. Everyone can tell when something cheeses of those who have the trolls living in their brain rent free. The no life and no social life remark has hit a raw nerve. The ones with no social life are the red, dark purple, light purple, light blue and dark blue users who spend 18 hours a day on Chaturbate. Those who have a life and a social life are those who spend their hard-earned income on holidays, eating out, movies, dates, shopping, etc. and not desperately trying to buy friendships.
ReplyDeleteRent free huh... Scroll up right above the comments area on this page & look at the number of usernames created by trolls using variations of b3000, lotsip, xxx_joe00, ken_masterfag (etc.) on all 3 lists... that tells you who lives rent free. If you claim someone spends 18 hours a day on Chaturbate, what does that say about you? Or all those grey troll usernames created nightly by less than a handful of people (1-3 at best) who've been permanently banned by Chaturbate multitudes of times but keep coming back despite being told your not wanted by the camsite? Considering that, you'd think they would be out spending their 'hard earned income' as you suggest, but instead they're creating grey usernames trolling camguys & viewers on Chaturbate.
Delete"No life and no social life remark has hit a raw nerve" proves it is true and they are pissed cause it is. They go on about B3000 being banned but there is no diff between them and B3000. They make CB and being banned for making up stories their life instead of going to a bar for drinks, movies, taking walks.
ReplyDeleteNeeding a filter to know when to STFU makes B3 and the trolls alike. But banned B3 unlike those no life trolls looks to be staying off Chaturbate.
DeleteThe rusted on CGN followers have proven once again the trolls live in their heads rent free permanently. They like using unflattery words against others but seem to have a dislike when Anonymous February 14, 2024 at 7:03 PM used the same words directly against them. I agree with trev27 CB is full of users making up stories. One only has to be in a room when a clique of old timer CB users amalgamate and start waffling on in their own little world. Yes trev27 they should go to a bar for drinks, movies, food and see there is a world outside chaturbate. If I was allowed to advertise my club in Newark they would be invited to a night of free drinks and comradery so everyone can reminisce about their fictitious lives on Chaturbate.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous "No life and no social life remark has hit a raw nerve" proves it is true and they are pissed cause it is.
Scroll up to the troll lists above & check out the 100+ grey usernames (including banned ones) created by the trolls using versions of Lotsip, Joe, etc. That without a doubt shows who lives rent-free, but just for fun check out the CGN link below. Oh yeah, they're banned but still keep coming back creating grey free accounts because they have no other life & don't know what to do without Chaturbate despite being told repeatedly you're not wanted on the camsite. This shows just how wrong you are with your take on the 2/14 comment & this entire jealousy fueled situation. Nice try though with the last part of your comment above, that thud you just heard was it falling flat. Chaturbate has spoken on this situation with their bans, time for you to get over it.
DeleteAnother point about living rent free, check this post out...
Would be nice if people were there for the models like it was before the juveniles showed up.
ReplyDeleteOh well just another scandalous one. Where would we be without a scandalous one.
ReplyDeleteLMAO, do you mean 'scandalusone'? If that is a guess, you're getting colder with each one.
DeleteWhat a surprise the trolls are wrong again. If scandalous1 was CamGuyNews, do you really think he would have approved that post?
DeleteAnon thanks for correcting my spelling of his username. I'm not sure it was a guess, but it sure seemed like it. If it were me I'd have approved the comment & admitted it.
DeleteI've been on Chaturbate for years and thought I had seen it all. Has it ever been established why these act like this? They do act juvenile but they are adult how can this be fun for them? To me it would be humiliating night after night.
ReplyDeleteYes I know why - they're jealous, hateful, lonely people. I'd assumed they were social outcasts but after Chaturbate banned them & then seeing them come back night after night creating grey free accounts confirms my assumption they have no social lives. It is fun for them because it is their social life, it's all they got but for anyone else doing this would be humiliating.
DeleteThey act like they do to get noticed, most people who do this are as you say social outcasts. They aren't humiliated because any attention they get does their type good.
ReplyDeleteDelusion of a troll: I created yet another account on a site I have been banned so I can harass others. But that account soon got banned so I then created another account so I could keep doing it. But that one also got banned, so I took a bit of time to create a whole bunch of accounts so I could come back the next night and do that some more. At some point, the powers that be will have a change of heart and see I only harass to save humanity from old people. But you know, I really do have a life outside of this chat room even though I do spend hours and hours on the site evident by the hundreds of accounts I have created to harass others. The people that come in with the same account day in and day out (boring!) and tip the performers, they’re the real problem. Without all of us non-tippers, how could the tippers even know the performers exist? No performers would ever be on page 1 without all us non-tippers. I expect the site would likely have to delete page 1 without all of us, maybe even delete page 2 and 3. And since the vast majority of the accounts are those that never tip (majority rules!), the site really should just turn off the tipping function as those foolish people are just wasting their money anyway. Then with even more non-tippers, all the performers would be so popular the site would likely have to put all performers on page 1. Then we can all watch the performers for free; well not me, as you know I really spend all my time shopping and dining and stuff.
ReplyDeleteThat is literally how the trolls think, sadly.
DeleteOMG Anonymous that is perfect!
DeleteThese trolls are the stupidest most clueless people I've ever seen. How do they not realize that aside from the stupid few in their ranks nobody believes a word they type? NOBODY! The more they keep typing nothing changes. Users despise them, as do models, especially after learning from users in the room what they are about. I mean nobody can be that stupid can they?
ReplyDeleteThey're jealous & have been spewing the same lies for so long they've somehow come to believe them. All other viewers know they are lies & camguys learn it quickly too from other viewers. So yeah, the trolls are that stupid. I honestly believe they do this due to the lack of a social life & it somehow fills that social void for them.
DeleteThe trolls are losing it you can tell by their delusion leading to more lies that scream for attention. Love watching a visible meltdown like this!
ReplyDeleteLies & delusion have always been their specialty.
DeleteThey are idiot trolls what are you expecting of them? The truth? LMAO!
DeleteDelusions and lies started it and it's still all they got. The trolls still haven't come to grips that it all blew up in their faces when CB banned them and NOBODY shed tears for them or cared. OUCH! CB'ers always knew the truth but CB banning the trolls sent a loud message as to who was right. CGN said it right they keep coming back as banned gray's cause they got no life off CB.
ReplyDeleteI agree, Chaturbate sent a message and not a soul shed a tear. Now that they're banned, anything that happens on Chaturbate should be of no concern for them but due to a lack of social lives they just keep coming back with grey free accounts. I really don't believe there is another explanation.
DeleteCGN you nailed it. CB should be of no concern to someone who is banned.
DeleteYep. They just keep on coming back, last night included, which all but confirms my theory of them having no social lives off Chaturbate. I find it hilarious cause it's what they've always accused others of.
DeleteTo the reader leaving a comment at 4:02 p.m. (EDT.) on 03/07/24. Your comment has violated CamGuyNews comments policy & has been deleted. Additional Note: If you don't like CGN's comment policy please refrain from visiting this blog.
ReplyDeletebirdieandbogie (princeofcalabas new name) ..... that is news to me. FYI I am currently working in Canada and originally from Australia. Obviously because I was not backwards in hosing down all of jackbedick69's pathetic attempts to class me as a troll, I am now supposed to be princeofcalabas reincarnated. Please correct me if I am wrong. If I am princeofcalabas (which you have zero original proof but only hearsay) my user account should be banned as per CB's T&C's. But I am not banned. I am not afraid to call out anyone anytime. If that upsets people I don't give a toss. Chaturbate is for ALL to enjoy in peace and harmony.
ReplyDeleteI've been observing your comments since you showed up & you are indeed reincarnated. I never said princeofcalabas SHOULD be banned per CB's T&C's - you did however. It's interesting that before he reincarnated himself as princeofcalabas & before he locked his profile down because his name became extremely toxic & deleted it he too said he was/came from Australia... crazy to think you walked on the same path he did ;).
DeleteYes, Chaturbate is for ALL to enjoy in peace & harmony WITHOUT being harassed & trolled. I've said this often & even recently in a blog post (comment) from 02/25/24... "get over the jealousy, stop trolling, stop trying to stir the pot, & none of this is a thing."
'WTF' anyway.
CGN you are a class blunderer of zero notoriety in construing comments to suit your narrative. After more reading I now understand the "WTF anyway" throwaway comment. So now I have morphed from wtfruonabout to princeofcalabas to birdieandbogie. FYI birdieandbogie is still an active supporter of CB. I wonder why?
ReplyDeleteTo think lotsip is a user who incessantly uses the emoticon :) and now you have. The mystery deepens.
Nice catch on the 'WTF anyway' comment & in doing so confirming that you are reincarnated many times over. Obviously you've kept coming back to the blog & even left a comment too, obviously my reply hit a nerve though. I call it like I see it & 99% of Chaturbate has seen it too on a nightly basis with the endless stream of usernames & trolling for the last however many years. Never said you weren't an active supporter on CB, nor said any of the other names you listed were banned either so not sure what your point is.
DeleteI'll add lotsip to the name of viewers y'all have incorrectly said I am too.
CGN that reply only confirms you are a class blunderer of zero notoriety in construing comments to suit your narrative. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteLMAO! Nothing in my reply was untrue or construed.
DeleteCGN you got under his skin and he can only repeat himself. So Birdieandbogie was another troll name before this name?
ReplyDeleteIf the truth got under his skin that's a sign he needs to get over the jealousy & stop trolling so it all can end. Yes many usernames, he's been around a long time cause he walked right into my 'WTF anyway' comment.
DeleteI don't go to Russian rooms much but did since no one other caught my eye. Talked to 3 users I hadn't seen in forever and know why now. No trolls.
ReplyDeleteInteresting. I've noticed what I'd call regular Chaturbate viewers in RU/EU/SA camguy rooms but didn't think to much of it.
DeleteThere was a well known cb user in a room trying to get the user lakeforestusa to bite about being banned. He mentioned lakeforestusa was on a blogs banned list and so it is. Maybe it should be corrected.
ReplyDeleteThanks, I'll adjust it. That account was banned several weeks back which is why it was moved to begin with.
DeleteCamGuyNewsMarch 21, 2024 at 2:07 AM about lakeforestusa - Thanks, I'll adjust it. Nothing has been 'adjusted'
ReplyDeleteIt most certainly was, look again as the username was moved back to the colored (w/ tokens) list.
DeleteNot seen a lot of the normal trolling did they finally get it that nobody cares what they think?
ReplyDeleteThey're still around. Chaturbate stepping up and banning them sent an undeniable message to all of Chaturbate about them too.
DeleteThink Lascher is right about the trolls trolling and nothing to show for it. Whatever the situation is Chaturbate is better for it.
ReplyDeleteHis reasoning is accurate that's for sure. There is still at least one or two who come around from time to time attempting to start their drama, the banned Lechelibertad is one who uses his grey names still.
DeleteI heard the other day Chaturbate was doing some testing with grey viewers using a VPN or proxy not being allowed to access the site. The message was disable them or upgrade their account for access. With that being tested and more state age verification laws being passed (California was a big one this week) bigger changes appear to be on the horizon.
Grey users using a VPN have not been able to chat for a long time. They either have to buy tokens to chat or disable the VPN. Only users with tokens can chat and be able to use a VPN.
ReplyDeleteI had heard this before but nobody seemed to know much about how it was working. So I created a grey username on Chaturbate to test it out using a VPN & a proxy. I was able to chat without adding tokens to that account - was on a different computer so there was no history from my normal username.
DeleteIf you have a screen shot a message you received about this, could you forward it to me on Twitter @camguynews via DM or email it to
Old and banned Doxydolla had himself a week making troll grey names only to find he's ignored more than ever by models and users. The banned wannabe catfisher is the laughingstock of CB.
ReplyDeleteI noticed he goes off on occassion with his grey free usernames, but he's only making a fool of himself. LOL, I think he wants to be the only 'catfish' which is why he attacks the others ones so much.
DeleteWhat troll is behind all the Milflivia Catfish names?
ReplyDeleteIt's the old doxydolla. He's competing with milflivia & a few others to be the only catfish on the male side of Chaturbate.
DeleteTroll blog never changes. On Twitter it is all mod free and now gray friendly baloney. Must not see most every top room has mods and nobody misses grays in room.
ReplyDeleteTheir narratives were proven false long ago. Most top rooms have a mod('s) & grey's are increasingly not allowed to chat, they complain about both but especially the latter because it stops THEM from their trolling.
DeleteThese doxxing trolls have been playing as woman for so long they assume all catfish use female accounts. It's a bit of sweet justice when you see they don't realize a twitter account they are smitten for is actually a male catfish.
Deletetrolls sent in report full of lies on xxx_joe00 but CB quickly realized the truth and unbanned him. their salty tears must taste good about now.
ReplyDeleteOld Doxydolla going strong creating hundreds of names pretending to be more than one person. This person has mental issues and needs help. Trying to imagine what life this person leads is disturbing and sad together. Pray he can find some meaning to his life.
ReplyDeleteDoxy's repeated behavior keep confirming what I've said for years about him not having any life, or any of the trolls for that matter. If Doxy wants to waste his time talking to himself using hundreds of Chaturbate names or Twitter names making him look like a no-life idiot, let him.
DeleteAt @CBTROLLALERTS claims he knows a trolls profile? Has over 800 CB names, old, bald, has mental issues, talks to himself constantly. Not too many OG trolls around anymore but the 800 names fits Doxydolla?
ReplyDeleteI follow him & see his tweets. Find them to be accurate & informative for Chaturbate, their camguys, & viewers too. Most times when I see trolls bickering, I don't put too much in to it. However the information he's come across is similar to what I've uncovered (over the years & recently) & fits Doxydolla 110%. If you recall over a year ago the trolls came at CGN hard when I confidently said they had no social lives or anything other than Chaturbate. The reason they came hard is it's all true & the couldn't refute it despite their weak attempts to do so.