A New Year but the same Desperate Juvenile Trolls

Friday, January 7, 2022
The Juvenile Trolls on Chaturbate have started the new year just as they exited 2021... desperate for attention.  Chaturbate users have tired of their juvenile behavior & just leave when they start acting up.  When they do attempt to participate in chat they are often ignored by most users in the room unless other juvenile trolls are present.  They crave attention so they still act up in certain chat rooms including calamity_26's room. Their act doesn't work well in his chat room so they will try anything to bring his chat room down.  However webcamstats only prove how desperate they are...   

What I believe pisses them off the most however is that calamity_26 doesn't care what they say about him.  He often laughs at them but when it gets to be too much he or one of his moderators take action for the betterment of the chat room.  In the screen shots below we see juvenile troll 'inonendout' taunting a user he dislikes while another grey juvenile troll body shames the camguy & cannot figure out why so many viewers show up to just chat with him...

They even chat about calamity_26's chat room & the users who are taking in his show. One also says he stays away from the chat room because Chaturbate often monitors it & perma-bans them when they behave like juveniles (they aren't getting the hint)... 

So we begin 2022 with the juvenile trolls still trolling but more & more users are tiring of it as is Chaturbate who is perma-banning them frequently.  Speaking of Chaturbate perma-bans banned juvenile troll 'vince4ududes' is up to 49 (grey usernames) perma-bans since being banned on September 1, 2021!!  Check out our CGN 'Juvenile Trolls on Chaturbate' page as it has been updated too.   


  1. Admitting to staying away from a room is an admission that what they are doing is wrong. I like the webcamstats website, but are they off by a day? With these statistics available, the majority of their narrative is easily debunked.

    1. Yes, the webcamstats.com charts are off by a day possibly due to the time zone they use. Their information is great but numbers don’t always tell the whole story, one big spender in a room with low viewership can make it the top producing room on the camsite.

  2. Excellent evidence that they are conjuring up things in their minds. Vince4uDudes should reconsider his life priorities, 49 bans?

  3. The troll blog is only getting worse. I read they fabricated situations by photo shopping out the truth for their lies. The trust level was already low, but now it's even lower because the only thing they've proven is that they're serial liars.

    1. Same pattern over & over you can almost predict their next post! Anytime you photo-shop in lies to fit a narrative you are basically saying ‘we are a complete failure’.

    2. Unfortunately, the supporters of that blog will not care that the lies are plainly visible and self-evident. They are strong adherents to the narrative published by the blog and will reject any idea or opinion--despite the evidence in front of their eyes--that does not conform to the beliefs they hold.

    3. How true, well said anonymous.

  4. Believing obvious lies reveals a lot about their few followers.

  5. They make up more shit and distort the truth more than the Russian or Chinese governments. Its high fucking time Chaturbate does something about this bunch of grade A low lifes who have sucked all the fun out of Chaturbate. Why tip a nice new model when a troll can tell a lie and have you banned before you know it? Do you know Shirley's email? I encourage everyone to flood her email about the troll problem.

    1. That is why I've always said they hurt a camguys ability to earn tokens, you cannot even argue against it. Her email is shirley@chaturbate.com & I believe her assistant is Natasha Pierson still.

  6. All this back and forth, but I'm not sure what the trolls issue is?

    1. Good question. They are jealous of other users on Chaturbate, plain & simple. They don’t like that other users they dislike are made moderators sometimes or just chat in certain rooms & this causes them to act like juveniles. Look at our screen caps showing how they act, https://camguynews.blogspot.com/p/chaturbate-troll-listing.html, that page proves they act like 10 year olds without a doubt & should be proud of themselves as adults. Add in their penchant for photo-shopping screen shots & comments on their blog it further confirms their narrative is baseless & failing.


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