The juvenile trolls have yet again proven to everyone on Chaturbate just how juvenile they really are. Late Saturday afternoon in camguy 'fresh_slash' room the trolls used 25 grey usernames they created to disrupt the camguys room which was being modded by xxx_joe00. The juvenile trolls despise xxx_joe00 & this stunt goes to show that Joe really does live in their minds as they have created at least 60 usernames using parts of his username to attack him in the last few months. Here are the 25 newly created grey usernames used in the 'attack' on Saturday afternoon (one listed was used before)...

I can assure you xxx_joe00 is laughing his ass off at this because the juvenile trolls are completely obsessed with him. If this obsession continues xxx_joe00 may have to start paying rent for the space he occupies in their minds!!! However it is the camguy again that is hurt by their behavior & the juvenile trolls just aren't capable of understanding this. This morning I received a screen shot from a CGN reader showing a comment on the troll blog left by admin 'Kyle'...
"Those grey trolls you see on a nightly basis give less than 2 fucks about getting banned. They are there just for the right time to reek havoc".
This comment makes it absolutely clear what kind of people these juvenile trolls are & shows they don't care about camguys at all. They are there to create havoc against the users they are jealous of & to hell with everyone else. This is the reason why camguys allowing them to turn their chat room into their own lil' playground don't last long on Chaturbate as we've seen over & over again. The juvenile trolls move on to other chat rooms while the camguy who just wanted to earn some cash moves on in most cases.
Apparently once wasn't enough for the juvenile trolls because the exact same situation took place yet again in camguy 'limb_ray' room Sunday evening. The usernames used were mostly the same but did include the 6 new ones as noted. Looks like xxx_joe00 is going to have to start paying a premium for the space he is occupying in their minds at this rate!!!
You can view our 'The Juvenile Trolls On Chaturbate' page on CGN by using this link at any time (link). The activity section is updated from time to time while the lists are updated frequently. Also, give fresh_slash & limb_ray a visit as they are both likeable young men - those are their Chaturbate names.
*Update* A new name was being used 11/12/21 'xxx_joe00_should_be_banned' in a chat room this afternoon. 'Joe' is gaining more real estate in the trolls minds!
*Update #2* More grey new usernames used to disrupt camguy chat rooms...
xxx_joe00_over_100_accounts, xxx_joe00_coffin_dodger, xxx_joe00_kwilliams_cmn, xxx_joe00_mdance, xxx_joe00_soap_dodger, xxx_joe00_the_end.
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