There are hundreds of camguys who stream on Chaturbate each day but which one of them are the best? Unlike other camsites Chaturbate doesn't offer a 'top camguy' list so the best alternative is one provided by 3rd party affiliate CB Explorer. The lists are usually based on credits or tokens received but with this information not available CB Explorer has developed their own method of compiling a 'top camguy' list. You'll find how they do it below followed by their list of the top Chaturbate camguys for June...
"The top performers over the last 30 days based on an overall rank score by daily viewership rank - for all categories, by gender and the top 50 Chaturbate tags. A performer gets 100 points for a top 1 rank, 99 for a top 2 rank and so on up until 1 point for a top 100 rank. These points are aggregated for the last 30 days and represent the combined ranking score. The result is pretty much a true 'people's choice award' rewarding consistency and viewer appeal over time, and you’ll find performers here that are “currently popular". (from
*Note this list only includes camguys who allow 3rd party access meaning they appear on Chaturbate affiliate camsites.
*Below is camguy name | score | # of broadcasts during July | max viewers
2. fuckboys_hot 2,037 points | 24 | 1,849
3. buddys_team_hots 1,843 points | 29 | 1,526
4. hardworkertn 1,793 points | 27 | 1,692
5. luxhousexx 1,775 points | 24 | 1,419
6. wapos__25 1,752 points | 22 | 2,135
7. sextwinksx 1,747 points | 20 | 1,731
8. badguyss_bisex 1,737 points | 20 | 2,021
9. richard_bi 1,627 points | 18 | 2,167
10. thebrentsavage 1,593 points | 22 | 1,600
11. fratguysonline 1,432 points | 20 | 1,808
12. james_friends 1,382 points | 21 | 1,322
13. artofnudes 1,308 points | 21 | 1,459
14. brandonstonexl 1,273 points | 15 | 1,913
15. dominantalex182 1,208 points | 21 | 1,413
16. forestcliff 1,178 points | 15 | 1,578
17. asmodeosx 1,178 points | 19 | 1,505
18. jasper_sweet_arce 1,174 points | 15 | 1,468
19. french_huge_cock 1,133 points | 13 | 1,425
20. horny_goats 1,129 points | 20 | 1,606
CamGuyNews will have next months most popular camguys & daily top 20 lists a few times throughout July too.