Chaturbate camguys regularly see other models who are online on the camsite in their chat rooms observing the show, chatting, or trying to poach their viewers. If an online model is doing one of the first two I don't have a problem, but the latter is a situation I feel we all have a problem with. We see poachers all too often advertising their rooms but what can be done about it? Moderators need to immediately silence promoters of all types but there is another solution to keep online models from poaching. Below is a screen shot from a camguys settings area showing the options available to keep online models from even thinking about poaching viewers. The second selection "Yes, only if they're broadcasting now" is the one most camguys would want to choose...
We all know there are sneaky ways an online model can attempt to poach viewers, in those instances a moderator needs to silence them or the camguy can just kick them.