On Saturday evening CamGuyNews will be sharing Chaturbate's Daily Most Popular Camguys from September 9 - 10 (7 p.m. - 7 p.m.). I've noticed & have been asked why several of the best drawing camguys during these 24 hours periods aren't appearing in the lists from 'cbexplorer.com'. CamGuyNews reached out to the website & was told "could be they don't have third party access enabled."
This means camguys who don't enable this option aren't appearing on any Chaturbate affiliate camsites so sites like CB Explorer won't have statistics on them. Not selecting this option will also limit viewers & tippers to only those who signed up directly on the Chaturbate website. Chaturbate directly handles all customer sign-ups, payment info, camguy verifications, pay-outs, & customer service on their affiliate camsites.
A site called "webcamstats.com" is another site that tracks statistics on camguys who broadcast on Chaturbate.